“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-12-02 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  aughty Monkey

  It's very hot.. An old man is asleep on the chair. A fly comes and sits on the end of the man's nose.

  The old man has a naughty monkey. He chases the fly.

  The fly comes back again and sits on the old man's nose again. The monkey chases it away again and again.

  This happens five or six times. The monkey is very angry. He jumps up, runs to the garden and picks up a large stone.

  When the fly sits on the old man's nose again, the monkey hits it hard with the stone.He kills the fly and breaks the old man's nose.


  天气很热。一位老人在椅子上睡着了。 一只苍蝇飞来落在老人的鼻子上。 老人有一只顽皮的猴子。猴子在追打苍蝇。 苍蝇再次飞落在老人的鼻子上,猴子一再追打苍蝇。 这样往返了五六次,猴子很生气。 他跳着跑到花园,捡起一块大石头。

  当苍蝇再次落在老人的鼻子上时,猴子用石头击中老人的鼻子上的苍蝇。 他砸死了苍蝇也打破了老人的鼻子。


  The Thirsty Dog

  A dog is very thirsty. But he only sees some empty pails. There is no water in them. The dog goes on looking for water. He comes to a small house. There is a girl in it. The girl goes out with a pail. “She goes to a well,” the dog thinks and follows her. The dog is right. The girl comes to a well and puts down the pail, and the pail is full of water, there the girl goes back to her house.

  “Water! Great!” the dog says and runs to the well. He jumps into the well without thought.”

  The water is good. The dog is happy and drinks much. But he can’t jump out of the well. He waits and waits. But no one comes. “I’m hungry now. I must go out,” he thinks.

  At the time a thirsty goat comes to the well. He looks at the water and the dog. “Is he water good?” the goat asks. “Of course. Come down,” the dog says. Then the goat jumps into the well, too. Then dog is happy. He jumps on the goat’s back and jumps out of the well.

  The dog has a look at the goat and says, “Goodbye!” Then he leaves.


  有一只狗口很渴,他只找到一些空空的水桶,里面没有水。他继续找水。他来到一座小房子前面。房子里住着一个小姑娘。小姑娘拎着只水桶出来了。 “她要去打水。”狗想道,并跟在她后面。果然不错,小姑娘来到一口井边,把水桶放入井里,水桶水满了。然后小姑娘回去了。


  井水真的不错。狗可高兴了。喝了许多水,但是他没有办法跳出来了。他等了好久,但是没有人来。 “我饿了,我得出去。”他想着。

  这时候一只口渴的山羊到井边来了,他看了看井水和这只狗。“这水好和吗?”山羊问狗:“当然了。快下来吧。“狗回答说。于是山羊也跳到井里了。狗高兴极了。他跳上山羊的背,又跳出了水井。 狗看了一眼山羊说声:“再见。”就跑开了。



  A Shepherd-boy, who tended his flock not far from a village, used to amuse himself at times in crying out"wolf !wolf!"Twice or thrice his trick succeeded .The whole village came running out to his assistance when all the return they got was to be laughed at for their pains .

  At last one day the wolf came indeed .The boy cried out in earnest. But his neighbors, supposing him to be at his old sport, paid no heed to his cries, and the wolf devoured the sheep.

  So the boy learned, when it was too late, that liars are not believed even when they tell the truth.





  Look for a Friend

  Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight legs. He doesn‟t look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired and

  hungry. He wants to have a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him. “Hello! Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers: “Of course! But you are round. I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are both fishes.”

  Sam thinks and says, “You are right. Let‟s be friends.” They become good friends.


  塞姆是一条小鱼,他在海里。他生在海里。他很孤独,想要找一个朋友,那个朋友看起来要想他。 塞姆看见一条墨鱼。墨鱼有8条腿,看上去不像塞姆。因此塞姆游走了。塞姆遇见一条鲨鱼。他想跟鲨鱼问好。鲨鱼张开大嘴,塞姆有迅速地逃走了。






  There was a guy who went into a shop to buy a parrot. There werethree parrots in the shop. One was $5,000; another one, $10,000; and the third one, $30,000.

  The customer asked the owner, “How come this guy is $5,000? That‟s so expensive for this kindof parrot.”

  The owner said, “Because I have trained him and he can talk.”

  So the customer asked him, “How about this guy? What can he do that makes him so expensive?”

  The owner said, “Well, apart from talking, he can also do some amusing actions,like dancing and so on. That‟s why he‟s so expensive.”

  Then the customer said, “How about the third one? What canhe do that makes him so expensive?”

  The owner of the shopsaid, “I don‟t know. Normally, I have never heard him talk, nor dance, nor whistle, nor sing, nothing at all! But the other two call him ,The Boss.”









  Snow White

  Snow White is born on a cold winter day. She is as white as snow. Her eyes are very big, her hair is very long and her voice is sweet. She is very kind and beautiful. Everyone loves her. Her mummy, the Queen loves her, too. But she died.

  A new Queen comes. She is beautiful, but bad. She doesn’t like Snow White, because Snow White is the most beautiful girl in the world.

  “I will kill Snow White.” So she orders a hunter to kill Snow White. The hunter is an honest man. “You are a good girl; I don’t want to kill you.” So he lets Snow White go.

  Snow White goes into a forest. She finds a house, and goes into the house. Seven dwarfs live there. They like Snow White, and ask Snow White to live with them.

  No sooner, the new Queen dies, because she isn’t the most beautiful woman in the world.




  “我一定要杀死白雪公主。“因此,她命令一位猎人去杀白雪公主。这位猎人是一个诚实的人。 “你是一个好姑娘,我不想杀你。”所有他放走了白雪公主。 白雪公主走进一片森林,她发现了一个房子,并且走进了房子。七个小矮人住在房子里。他们很喜欢白雪公主并留她一起住下来了。 不久,女皇死了,因为她不是世界上最美丽的人。

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