“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-12-23 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  whenever we see the flag, when hearing a loud "anthem", i always blood boil - i am chinese, i am legend of the dragon.

  to see - the great wall, like a dragon, lying in between rolling mountains; to listen to - the surging yellow river water, a wave after wave, beat the shore, rock; look - kunlun mountains straight into the sky, unattainable.

  tip of the snow lotus has taught us the purity of the sea breeze in the ruyan has taught us optimistic about the yellow river in szentendre taught us warm ... ... have a beautiful landscape of the motherland, who could have imagined that this beautiful country, but suffered a weathered, experienced the 1000 disaster difficult to do 100?

  july 7, 1937, the japanese imperialists in order to soldiers are missing as a pretext to launch the marco polo bridge incident that shocked the world since then, the chinese people embarked on a difficult journey of war. one after another in an unequal treaty, so that china has become a great country from a fat sheep in a butcher’s block. eight-burned the summer palace, so that thisworld’s most splendid architectural transience into a scorched earth and rubble ... ...

  however, any suffering of the chinese people are able to overwhelm us spine. october 1, 1949, chairman mao stood on tiananmen gate, solemnly announced to the world: the people’s republic of china was founded. since then, we have to erase the dark shadows and ushered in the brilliant glory. 1997 hong kong returned to the motherland; in XX china’s successful accession to the wto; XX shenzhou vi carried the dream of human exploration of the cosmos ... ... today, our country has become a world-renowned sports power, thoroughly wash the "east asian sick man, "a shame, so that the world’s admiration. you listen to 08 olympic games, chinese athletes have joyful cheers of victory; you can see, "dr. chen doll" sing "beijing welcomes you!" to the people of the world issued a sincere invitation to ... ...

  any time, regardless of where they are, i am chinese, i am proud of. country in my heart, in your heart of the motherland, the motherland of every individual in our hearts.


  Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. It has a population of over twelve hundred million. Beijing is its capital.

  We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. We have a glorious revolutionary tradition. We drove out all the enemies. In 1949 the People's Republic of China was founded. Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland. Now our country is getting stronger and stronger. We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country.

  Children are regarded as “flower of our motherland”. In our country children are taken very good care of. Special laws have been issuedto protect them. Thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all children. The Party and the government pay special attention to the growth of children because they represent our bright future.

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        敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们:  你们好!  狂天我演讲的题目是——《读书是通向理想的桥梁》。  同学们,你们喜欢读书吗?你们都爱读什么样的书,是那种读起来让你眉飞色舞、拍案称快的,还是那种让你浮想联翩、遨游太空的?是专业的还是休闲娱乐的?无论怎样,请你拿起对我们人生有益的书,走入书的海洋,因为在那书海里,你会开阔视野、充实思想、丰富情感、改变人生,更能让作为学生的我们寻找到一份不同以往的自信和理想。  厩得高尔基曾说过:“书是人类进步的阶梯。”通过读书,我不仅吸收到了知识,学会了许多做人的道理,感觉到了

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    • 教师竞聘演讲稿

        就职演讲和竞选演讲同属于政治演讲,因而它们必然存在共性的地方。但由于它们属于不同类型的政治演讲,本身存在着不同的内容和目的,因而在情态的使用方面必然存在差异。下面小编整理了教师竞聘演讲稿,供你参考!教师竞聘演讲稿【一】  尊敬的各位领导、同志们:  大家好!  狂天,我竞聘的岗位是小学高级教师九岗。自1977年从河池巴马师范学校毕业,三尺讲台上,我已经奋斗了34个春秋!34年来,我热爱学生,做孩子们的知心朋友,关爱他们,积极探索教育新路,耐心细致育人。34年,弹指一挥间,我已半头银发,一脸皱纹。我和无

    • 责任护士竞聘上岗演讲稿

        篇一:责任护士竞聘上岗演讲稿  尊敬的各位领导,各位护理姐妹们:  大家好!  我叫冯立刚,今年30岁,大专学历。1999年11月参加工作。现有职称护师,曾在脑外科、肾内科、骨科、儿科、感染科、眼科等科室从事临床护理工作10年。现参加竞聘责任护士岗位上岗。在这里我以平常人的心态,参与这个岗位的竞聘。首先,感谢护士长为我们创造了这次公开、公正、公平竞争的机会,更给了我们互相学习的机会,尤其为我们年轻护士营造了良好的成长环境,提供了个人展示才华的空间责任护士竞聘上岗演讲稿范文。  经过这10年临床护理工作

    • 教导主任竞聘的演讲稿

        刻导主任,是在校长领导下,具体组织学校的教学、教务、思想政治教育工作的行政职能机构的负责人,其作用不容忽视。想要竞聘教导主任,该怎么写竞聘演讲稿呢?以下有三篇范文可供参考:  1  尊敬的各位领导、各位评委:  大家好!  首先感谢校领导为我们提供展示自我的平台和机会!感谢一路走来给予我支持和帮助的同事们!今天站在这里,我要竞选的是教务处主任一职。  我叫xxx,现年46岁,本科学历,中学一级教师。自1989年参加工作以来,在领导和老师们关怀帮助下,我的各方面工作都取得很大的提升和进步!付出就有回报,