“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-12-26 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Preface:This article is about International Workers' Day on May 1 and sometimes called May Day. See May Day for the traditional spring holiday.

  May 1 is International Labor Day, working people all over the world This is our own holiday. Today, we stand under the bright red flag with five stars, it should be and how to celebrate this great Memory glorious holiday it?

  1886 May 1, the Government of the United States deployed a large number of the bourgeois army and police brutally suppressed the Chicago workers to improve working conditions and the struggle for the assembly. This shows that for the working class not to say that the status of the owner, is to improve the basic living conditions will be subjected to bloody repression. The May 1 International Labor Day, is designed to mobilize and unite the proletariat and working people all over the world, to fight for their freedom, liberation, for the ultimate realization of the rights of the masters of unremitting struggle.

  China's proletariat and the broad masses of working people in China under the leadership of the Communist Party, after arduous struggle, so that the masters of the dream become a reality, the people become the masters of the state and society, enjoy a wide range of democratic rights in order to master the spirit of into the great cause of socialist construction in the go. Our socialist motherland is showing a vigorous, full of vigorous activity, high-spirited attitude to stride into the next century.


  Us - as a cross-century generation of builders and successors, will be duty-bound to stir up the socialist modernization construction of the burden of power to the attitude of ownership into the construction of the homeland to the great cause. As a secondary school, from an early age should establish a sense of ownership, interest in national affairs, love for their homes, and foster long-term aspirations, the future of their own destiny with the homeland combine to become the ideal has a vision there is there is a noble ambition quality people. The feelings of our labor to cultivate and develop work habits, Value labor, and actively take part in the activities of social practice. Of course, the most important thing is to study hard scientific and cultural knowledge, a solid grasp the skill-building for the future prosperity of our country and lay a good foundation! This is the "51" International Day of commemoration of the best.





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