“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2021-01-07 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  Socialist political development road with Chinese characteristics is in the long-term revolution construction and reform practice of the formation and development is the socialist democratic politics which accords with the situation of our country in the new road has a strong vitality socialist political development road with Chinese characteristics is the history and the people's choice is the important guarantee of scientific development promote social harmony. Socialist political development road with Chinese characteristics is the Chinese social and political development mode with independent intellectual property rights.

  1 what is the socialism political development road with Chinese characteristics

  This way the main contents include: adhere to the leadership of the party the people are masters of the country in accordance with the law governing the organic unification to uphold and improve the system of people's congress the communist party of China leads the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system system of regional national autonomy and grass-roots mass self-government system.

  2 why do you want to the road of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics

  The political road of socialism with Chinese characteristics it is the choice of history the people's choice stick to the road can achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Adhere to and develop the road which is beneficial to strengthen and improve the leadership of the party is beneficial to promote the development of people's democracy to form and maintain a lively political situation developing the strong vitality of the socialist democratic politics.

  3 how can I get to the socialism political development road with Chinese characteristics the report of the 17th national congress explicitly put forward the deepening the reform of political system of the task to enhance the vitality of the party and state arouse the enthusiasm of the people as the goal expand socialist democracy build socialism country under the rule of law develop socialist political civilization. Current need to seriously do a good job the following aspects:

  (1) the development of democracy at the grassroots level consolidate the basis of the socialist democratic politics.

  (2) the build socialism country under the rule of law legal guarantee of constructing socialist democratic politics.

  (3) actively promote inner-party democracy construction expand intra-party democracy to develop people's democracy.

  4 the advantage of the socialist political development road with Chinese characteristics

  Socialist political development road with Chinese characteristics is good for the democratic participation of the people and various democratic rights are fully guarantee socialist democracy shows strong vitality. At the same time to consolidate and expand the patriotic united front promote socialist democracy and promote the great unity of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups addition of implementation of the party and the state is of great significance.

  A country to choose what kind of political development path not only the relationship between the democratic political construction and the relationship between the economic and social development and the state power of the firm. The communist party of China insists on the basic principle of marxism with Chinese concrete practice and The Times characteristic combining the development of socialist democratic politics and building socialist political civilization in practice out of a socialism with Chinese characteristics which accords with the situation of China's political development road.


  The People's Republic of China a country ended one hundred years of humiliation and destruction history a bearing the national rejuvenation and people rich mission one in the world political economic and cultural landscape emanates countries more and more glare ushered her 60 years anniversary.

  60 years in the process of running in 5000 the Chinese civilization its time to share the little really hard but its achievement and contribution significance and effects of hard rao qualities think of the spring and autumn the empire of qin and han dynasties sui and tang dynasties created the Ming and qing dynasties evolution all in the past several wind also see today: change the look of the conventionality of one thousand agricultural society of industrialization; Market through the bondage of creative economy tunnel of nature; Urbanization has brought a new social structure and way of life; Information to reconstruct the social production and the way of interpersonal communication; Internationalization opens the unprecedented economic and social development process.

  "Five combined a" modern contemporary China's economic and social changes with each passing day let the people of all ethnic groups in China the Chinese civilization to the world.

  All this from the establishment of the socialist system. New China the first is that the new social system. In history China has experienced a long and mature of the slave society and feudal society in modern times and experienced the deformity of the semi-feudal and semi-colonial society. In all these societies under the oppression of the people in all sorts of alien force always in the loss of human freedom rights dignity and value of the state of alienation. The new of the socialist system is to seek complete liberation and common development among all the members of the social values of the new. Socialism to break the people's alienation open a new era of the people are masters of the country for development. All this from the unswervingly adhere to the reform and opening up. New China's first 30 years of exploration success failure experience lesson have pleasure with pain. It is in this on the basis of opened to another 30 years of reform and opening up as the main melody of the new journey. Is a great new revolution of reform and opening-up and promote the self-improvement and development of the socialist system established in the process of the pursuit of happiness in the true sense of the people's sovereignty provides business innovation and profit for the complete freedom but it will greatly inspire the enthusiasm and creativity of the people; Market economy and opening to the outside world the development of efficient mechanism is constructed.

  Reform and opening up and demonstrated the superiority of the socialist system making it the genuine humanism humanitarian system; An unprecedented liberation and development of social productivity guide the country took to the prosperous and people rich on track. All this comes from the grasp and the rare historic opportunity. Since modern times of China was is closely related to the Chinese nation has lost a rare historical opportunity. "High" bring intoxicated with arrogance coupled with scorn suppression literary inquisition booth butyl moved into mu coastal industry and so on cause the first scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution the loss of opportunity; Westernization movement failed abortion wuxu reform movement lead to loss of opportunity for the second revolution of science and technology in practice since the rise of Japan maguan treaty the sino-japanese war and the war of resistance for his eight years to follow. New China 60 years especially in the last 30 years of booming development it is because the captures the third revolution of science and technology especially the new technology revolution of historical opportunity comprehensively promote the modernization of China. And was able to because the establishment of the socialist system and the reform and open policy great practice.

  All this from the continuously create new theory to guide the thought liberation. From set out actually the sinicization of marxism forming the correct theory instruction is the secret of keeping the pace with The Times. Revolution period the marxist in gully channel and the liberation of the old China workers and peasants turn class awakening the combination of powerful ideological weapon to transform society. Construction period and in the new period of socialist development enrich the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the will of the people change the poverty the pursuit of rich the combination of the impetus of the development of China's strong and the inexhaustible spiritual motivation.

  All this in the final analysis from the leadership of the communist party of China. The establishment of new China the development of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics dependent on the leadership of the communist party of China; Reform and opening up seize the historical opportunity persistent thought liberation and use and so on are inseparable from the leadership of the communist party of China. Since modern times many political force only truly represent the interests of the masses of the people the communist party of China has established flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people thus complete the historical mission of national independence and liberation. The Chinese communist party became the ruling party it is the people's choice the choice of history. Entered the new period and lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups of the communist party of China reform and opening up pioneering and innovative has achieved a great success for the construction of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics China's comprehensive national strength enhanced unprecedented unprecedented improve China's international status an unprecedented improvement in the lives of the people how many generations of Chinese pioneer could not do the communist party of China did ready and thus has repeatedly proved that the long history of the ruling legitimacy.


  20 xx years the eighteenth national congress of the party was held in our country advocate the holding the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics with deng xiaoping theory and \"three represents\" important thought the concept of scientific development as guidance emancipate the mind reform and opening up the cohesive forces overcome difficult unswervingly along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics strive to build a well-off society in an all-round way. Today let us review the past.

  Play between the command the vicissitudes of life change 60 years ago the People's Republic of China was proclaimed opened a new era in the history of China. Under the leadership of the communist party of China hundreds of millions of people's hard work efforts to explore the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the course of reform and opening up and modernization construction created a miracle after another realize the strongly the one hundred dream of national rejuvenation. Today's China everywhere is full of vitality each enterprise progresses day by day the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics showed strong vitality.

  60 years China's prosperity step by step the Chinese sons and daughters to live and work in peace and contentment. The qinghai-tibet railway a new railway is almost impossible the Chinese people made it; The train speed for many times let people's life more convenient; The Olympic venues the successful hosting of the Olympic Games let the nation a cheer... China is with their own wisdom and sweat to do with one another!

  60 years China's space industry is developing rapidly in China in history a brilliant one page. Xx 20 years the successful launch of the shenzhou Yang liwei uncle realized flying dreams of the Chinese nation one thousand; Xx 20 years China's first lunar satellite \"charng-er's no.1\" to fly into space to visit the moon the goddess of the moon and the moon; The same 20 xx years launch the shenzhou number seven zhai zhigang became China's first astronauts on the space walk. In the development of China's science and technology progresses day by day for made great contribution to China!

  60 years China's construction of new countryside in the footsteps of more walk more quickly. Previously very few rural knowledge only know work. Now the concept of \"never too old to learn\" is becoming more common many elderly people is hard to learn. Agriculture not only use the strength but also fully use the wisdom. More and more rural people in high school college become the construction of the interwar independence generation think-tank; Previously rural life is eat bad wear not warm is bitter. Now rural people's economic strength is getting better and better to live a well-off life. Mobile phones TV refrigerator... These once even dare not even think about things everything became a reality. Previously rural gives the impression of being dirty and messy. A rain the road became a \"feel\" the mountain overgrown and neglected... Now when it comes to the countryside people think of fresh air beautiful mountains... Reform and opening up make the rural showed great vitality let people live more happiness.

  Our republic has gone through 60 years of glorious history. Reviewing the past our pride; Looking ahead we confidence one hundred times.

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