“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-01-17 来源:演讲稿 手机版


ladies and gentlemen。

i'd like to welcome everyone。

i'm here to teach you how to say no。

i use to be a "yes person。"

i thought it was impolite to say no。

i was a chronic "people-pleaser。"

i finally came to my senses。

i found the courage to be honest!

let me tell you now what i learned。

first,you must face reality。

you can't say yes to every request!

you must realize it's impossible!

you can't be everywhere at once!

you can't do everything all the time。

you'll fail or go crazy for sure。

you can't do too much!

you can't bite off more than you can chew!

sometimes you have to say no!

second,just tell the truth。

just be totally honest。

the truth will set you free!

always tell it like it is。

nobody is perfect。

nobody can please everyone every day。

show courage and character。

show wisdom and maturity。

don't be afraid to say no。

third,just refuse politely。

just communicate clearly。

be sincere and sympathetic。

just look the person in the eye。

just slowly shake your head。

say,"i'd like to say yes but i can't。"

a true friend will understand。

a kind person can handle it ok。

only a selfish few will get upset。

fourth,don't feel guilty。

don't beat yourself up。

don't let saying no upset you。

you're dong the right thing。

you're doing the smart thing。

you're saving yourself lots of trouble。

sometimes you have to do it。

sometimes you have no choice。

refusing favors is part of life。

in conclusion,just do it!

just practice saying no。

memorize the following rejections。

i'm so sorry。

i have to say no。

i have no time today。

now,i have to go。

now,i must say no。

sorry,no more for today。(thank you。)

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