“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-01-06 来源:邀请函 手机版




  Dear Petty,

  I hope you didn’t make any plane for this weekend. You know I am moving into the new house, and I sincerely invite you to come to my new house. I will hold a celebration party on Saturday night. The scenery here is fantastic that I am sure you will like it. On Saturday, you can walk around my house after you get here. The party will begin at 7:00. You can live in my house that night. On Sunday, we can go fishing or play table tennis. So please do some preparation for them. You can drive here and you will see a board “Kelly’s Home” near the road. It only takes you one hour to get here. I hope there will be nothing stopping you to come.

  Yours affectionately,



  Dear Mike,

  This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then.

  True yours,



  Dear Blake,

  Mrs. White will soon leave for the United States and we will held a farewell party for her which takes place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 20, 20xx at the School Club. I am very pleased to invite you toparticipatein the farewell party. Another two foreign teachers you know, Mr. Frazer and Miss Gree are also invited. Please join us to say goodbye to Mrs. White. You are hoped to arrive at 5:50 p.m. I look forward to see you on May 20.

  Yours sincerely,

  Yan Yang

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