“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-02-25 来源:邀请函 手机版




  Ladies and gentlemen,

  As time flies and the years pass by, 20xx graduate students have ushered in their graduation season.

  Invitation letter for graduation farewell party.

  XX month XX day is the graduation ceremony, and then? Should there be some activities? When the phoenix blossoms again, let's sit together, chat together and leave together.

  I hereby call on all of you to attend the farewell party for graduate students.

  The farewell party is divided into two periods in two places:

  First stage

  Time: 19: 00 - 21: 00 p.m. on xx month, location: student service center concept salon, characters: graduates

  Subject: Graduation Feelings

  Content: Gather and talk, share the mood, sing and graduate, and laugh about life

  Second stage

  Time: 21: 30 p.m. on xx month, from xx to the whole campus, people: graduates

  Subject: Blessing the Future

  Content: Put kongming lamps on XXX and wish elder martial brother and elder martial sister a bright future

  Walk around the campus and shout at the floor, shout out whatever you want to say to jiaotong university and what you hold in your heart and have no chance to say ~

  We send out invitations here:

  We sincerely invite all graduate students who graduated this year to commemorate the unforgettable graduation night together and to take a full blessing on the road tomorrow.

  Invite all the students in school or who have graduated to attend the graduation farewell party together to pray for the brothers and sisters who have graduated to see me off!

  At the same time, graduates are also welcome to invite friends and classmates around them to attend the event, and please remember that if there are graduates who have missed the event around you, you must tell ta and pull ta over, because you are the leading players!

  If you want to come, please send an email to XXX @ Gmail. com to sign up:

  1. If you are a graduate, please indicate and attach your name, contact information, department and work destination ( optional );

  2. If you are a student at school, please indicate and attach your name, contact information, and grade of the department.

  3. If you have already worked, please indicate and attach your name, contact information, and work industry ( optional ).

  May we have a good night together on xx day

  Happy graduation!

  Best Wishes!

  X x



  In order to celebrate the recent retirement of four teachers ( Wang Kuijian, Zhang Ruilin, Hou Chunlian and Luo Xuyi ), the college will hold a farewell party for retired colleagues in the spring of 20xx on Friday, April 3 in the Science and Technology Building.

  Welcome teachers to come

  Time: Friday, April 3, from 14: 30 p.m. to 16: 00 p.m.

  Venue: Museum Hall, 15th floor, Science and Technology Building

  Note: The farewell party is held in the form of a cocktail party, with no fixed seats, free to move around and communicate, and free to attend and leave the party.


  Dear xx-xx Graduates:

  Four years passed quickly, while your invitation letter to send off the graduates party in xx-xx year is today's maturity and calm. However, graduation does not mean an end, but a new beginning. Today's departure is for better meeting in the future. The alma mater will not forget you. Normal University will always be ready to welcome you back with warm arms. The hazy romance on the side of the Li Wa River and the vitality of the Cherry River will always be the most beautiful scenery in your heart.

  In order to express our most sincere wishes and leave the best memories for everyone on this day of departure, the Youth League Committee and the Student Union will hold a " xx - xx" xx - XX - XX, XX, XX " XX - XX annual farewell party in front of the XX campus library at 18: 30 on XX. At that time, you will enjoy the wonderful performances from students' art troupes and departments. I sincerely hope that this evening will bring a satisfactory end to the four-year college life of all xx-xx graduates. Let's be proud of normal university and sing for youth.

  Communist Youth League xx-xx University Committee

  XX - XX University Student Union

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