“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-03-01 来源:邀请函 手机版




  25 July, 20xx

  Ms. Cindy Hua, Project Supervisor

  Passport Number: E54675225

  Shanghai XXXXX Co., Ltd.

  No. 450, XXXX Road, Shanghai 20xx63, China

  Dear Ms. Cindy Hua,

  I would hereby invite Ms. Cindy Hua to visit our company in American and have a business meeting about booth construction projects at Solar Power International Show 20xx, which will be held from 13th to 15th in September in Las Vegas.

  Please note that you may have certain visa requirements to enter the United States. Also check local consulate or embassy for the details or restrictions and remember all costs related to medical insurance will be borne by your company.

  We do look forward to this upcoming and prosperous meeting.



  Peter Zhang

  General Manager


  Ref. To *** (中文名)

  Dear Father ***:

  This letter is invite you to come USA to see us together with Mother ***, and living with us for 6 months in (City name, State name), USA. We will pay all the fees for your living and traveling in USA, and the plane tickets for coming USA and returning to China. During you staying in USA, we will visit several famous cities in the world: New York (to walk in Walt Street and to visit the Statue of Liberty), Washington DC (it is the capital of USA), Atlantic seashore (Atlantic City is a famous gambling city), the West Point (the cradle of Army’s leaders of USA), Falls of Niagara and so on. You will know that how the persons in USA are living and how we are living in USA.

  If possible, we can celebrate Chinese New-Year-Day in ***.

  We believe that you will feel pleasure during your traveling in USA.


  Invitation Letter

  May 25, 20xx(填写日期)

  To whom it may concern:

  I am writing this letter to invite my friendMr/Mrs. XXX (Passport No.XXX) to visit me in Austrialia from XXX.XX to XXX.XX(探访时间,例如July 10to July 30 20xx).

  The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism withinXXX(国家). During his/her visiting, he/she will stay with me at the address listed below. My friendMr/Mrs. xxx will cover all his/her expenses by himself/herself. These include the round trip air fare to XXX(国家), food, transportation, medical insurance, and all other expenses.

  My friend Mr/Mrs. XXXand I will make sure that he/her will leave Austrialia before the expiration of his/her authorized stay.

  Your favorable consideration regarding his/her visa application will be highly appreciated. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me as below.


  Cell phone: (邀请方电话)


  Address: (邀请方住址

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