“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-03-22 来源:邀请函 手机版




  Love League Singles Club invites you to join the Singles Party Association ( Red Wine Party ).

  Party time: January 23, 20 * *

  Registration Address: Room 1903, 19th Floor, Xinyuan Building, Jiaosanqiao Guangfa Building, Panlong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province

  Registration fee: Member 50 yuan, non-member 100 yuan.

  Men and women please wear formal attire!


  Youth is not often in a hurry to fall in love

  The rhythm and pressure of work

  Has the fate around you slipped away?


  Is it still only in your heart that there is no bud?

  Now, right now, don't let yourself alone

  When you are busy, you should also find someone to confide in

  When you are tired, you should also seek personal comfort

  Find your TA to love

  Find your TA to spend a happy time together

  Regret for Missing

  Waiting for Search

  Day by day the fate of the encounter again and again

  Let the heaven-sent good marriage bring you a good marriage

  We are here waiting for you to join the Zhengzhou Rose Contract

  In order to enable you to create a platform for mutual understanding and communication with friends who want to stay together, lock in love and fly with love, Jin Zhongyuan will hold a single party group meeting. The main theme of the meeting was " Zhengzhou Rose Pact" and a series of colorful and interesting dating activities were held. We sincerely invite you to join this party. The details are as follows:

  The first event time: 9: 00 a.m. on November 11, 20xx ( Saturday morning ), please arrive as early as possible

  Location: Floor 14, Building 3, Dongzhenjing Community, 50 meters south of the intersection of Changjiang Road and University Road, Zhengzhou City

  Three free fruits and drinks are provided during the event

  IV. Activity Cost: This activity is free of charge

  Five registration methods: phone number 0371 - 609 * * 631 0371 - 551 * * 397 QQ group: 212 * * 7895

  6. Deadline for registration: November 11, 20 * *


  Dear single friend:

  It's approaching Singles Day again, and it's a day for couples to travel in pairs. Have you found a companion to travel together?

  The rhythm and pressure of work have already let the fate around you walk quietly? Does love still stay in your heart with no budding object?

  In order to enable you to create a platform for mutual understanding and communication with friends who want to stay together, lock in love and fly with love, Zhejiang Foreign Service and Happy Next magazine will jointly hold a single party group meeting. The main theme of the meeting was " Hand - in - Hand Season - Let's Travel Together!" For the theme, a series of colorful and interesting dating activities will be held. We sincerely invite you to join this party. The specific notice is as follows:

  I. Activity Time: Please be present as early as possible

  II. Place of Activities: King Qian's Memorial, Nanshan Road

  III. Activities:

  A, 8 - minute Speed Dating

  The joy of meeting 8 heterosexual friends at an event

  B talent show and true confession

  To impress people's happiness with personal charm

  C, talented people and beautiful women rush into love affairs

  Enjoy the joy of victory with the right person

  IV. Follow - up Service: If you have the right person / her, you can call 0571 - 28 * * 896 to tell us that we will plan a " May Day Couple's Two - Day Tour" for you and take him / her by the hand to travel together.

  V. Activity expenses: 120 yuan / person ( venue, tea, refreshments, host, small gifts, service fees, etc. ) will be paid when signing in on site

  VI. Registration Conditions: Single, Proper Occupation, No Bad Attempts

  VII. Application Method: Fill in the attached application form and fax it to: 87 * * 0594 Pan Lingfei

  VIII. Deadline for Registration:

  Sincerely invite your participation and hope that we will meet on that day!

  Zhejiang Foreign Service Company

  20 * * April 2

    • 老同事聚会邀请函范文

      老同事聚会邀请函范文1 亲爱的303、304班同学:  岁月如歌,光阴似箭,弹指一挥间,我们已毕业30年。三十年,我们拼搏、奋进,由青涩到成熟、由懵懂到豁然!三十年,我们耕耘,肥沃了祖国的江山,为家撑起一片蓝天!三十年,我们经历了成功的喜悦,体验了岁月磨砺的沧桑!三十年,我们的青春不老,对同学的牵挂依然……  亲爱的同学:还记得我们初次相识的情景吗?还记得那清贫而又欢乐的时光吗?还记得我们尊敬的老师和同桌的同学吗?  来吧,让我们重温昨日的欢乐,寻回青春的激情!来吧,让我们回眸成长的脚步,感悟百味人生!来

    • 朋友聚会邀请函范文

      朋友聚会邀请函范文1 XX同学:  光阴似箭,岁月悠悠。四年前的同窗真情沥沥在目,刻骨铭心,成为人生一道美丽的风景。  曾记否,我们在同一教室引吭高歌;  曾记否,我们在同一操场赛跑踢球;  曾记否,我们在同一小道上顶风冒雨;  曾记否,我们在同一蓝天下拾麦摘豆;  四年前,五十二颗心为了同一个目标建设四化,繁荣祖国,奔向了四面八方;四后,五十二颗心怀着同一个心愿相聚一堂,共叙友情。来年春暖花开日,正是我联谊会相聚时。届时,您所熟悉的四年前曾送我们踏上人生征途的辛勤园丁,将会应邀而来,为相聚增辉添彩。  

    • 同学聚会教师邀请函范文

      同学聚会教师邀请函范文1 亲爱的老师:  您好!  我们是*年毕业的***班学生,班主任为**老师。拟定于在****年寒假在道口举行毕业**周年同学聚会,特邀您来参加。3年光阴荏苒,我们都从少男少女走到了人生更高一个层次,师恩难忘,桃李芬芳,因为您当年辛勤的付出,使我们在人生路上拥有着自信厚重的力量。今天,我们怀着感恩的心期待您,像当年那样回到我们中间,让我们再度去感受您给予的帮助和教诲。 敬爱的老师我们期待着与您相见。  祝您和您的家人身体健康!  ***  ****年月日 同学聚会教师邀请函范文2 亲

    • 同学聚会邀请函的模板范文

      同学聚会邀请函的模板范文1 尊敬的各位同学:  你们好!  同窗三载,温馨如昨,依然常驻心头;  悲欢岁月,依稀如梦,但愿记得你我!  初中一别,至今已近十载,当年同窗、今各东西。但我们相信:无论你回到故里,或远在他乡;也无论你多么闲暇,或何等繁忙……但是,同窗之情不变。你终究不会忘记在林园和我们一齐攀谈、一齐嬉戏……也许,你把这一切都冰封收藏,悄悄期盼着重逢的春光。我们和你一样,多少次梦里相聚,多少次心驰神往。  我们很想约你,约你去往事里走走:听听久违的声音,看看久违的面孔,说说离别的思绪……尽管我们

    • 同学聚会邀请函模板范文

      同学聚会邀请函模板范文1 亲爱的xx届的同学:  几年前,我们相聚相识在xxxx,虽有各自的梦想和憧憬,却是同样的热血和激情;几年前,我们相知相重,虽不识人生真谛,却共同经历了人生最纯洁、最美好的三年时光。如今,友情依如细水长流,浩然成湖。多年的分别,多年的牵挂,给了我们相约再聚的足够理由。  老同学,无论你回到故里或远在他乡,无论你事业辉煌或暂时失意,无论你身居要职或平民百姓,也无论你多么闲暇或何等繁忙……,同学之情不会变!也许你把这一切都冰封,悄悄期待着重逢的春光。同学们和你一样,多少次梦里相聚,多少