“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-04-17 来源:邀请函 手机版




  Dear Li Hua,

  I’m so sorry I can’t come to Tom’s birthday party. These days my mother has been falling ill, so I have to attend to her.Thank you for asking me, Li Hua. I certainly hate to miss any of your parties. They’re always such fun!

  Affectionately,Liang Yan


  Dear friend,

  I’m very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink.I think a lot of funny things and we will paly  them in that day.So I hope you can take part in.Now I will tell you the address of my house.It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and white.You must come.I’ll wite you.


  May 5,20xx

  Dear xxx,

  This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then.

  True yours,



  Dear Li Hua,

  I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party . The party began at 8a.m .on Sunday . All my classmates were not be late. I was very happy. We ate some western food.They were very nice.Some of my classmates brought their own food. They shared their food with us. Because they are very friendly.

  We also played games. It was very interesting. All my classmates were very happy. I danced with my best friends. And all my classmates danced very beautifully! They sang a song ’Happy Birthday’ to me. And then they gave me a lot of presents. I was very thankful. All of us had a good time on that day!

  Do you have free time I want to visit you next year

    • 20周年的同学聚会邀请函

      亲爱的同学:  同窗数载,温馨如昨,依然常驻心头;  青春岁月,依稀如梦,但愿常忆于我。  二十年前,我们相聚相识××××班,虽有各自的梦想和憧憬,却是同样的热血和激情;二十年前,我们相知相重,虽不认识人生真谛,却共同经历了人生最纯洁,最美好的三年时光。如今,友情已如绿水长流,浩然成湖,二十年的分别,二十年的牵念,给了我们相约再聚的足够理由。  今天,让我们再次相约,回来到这里,一起见证属于我们的这一时刻,见证我们的“××××班永远在一起”。我们和你一样,多少次梦里相聚,多少次心驰神往,为此,我们很想约你

    • 经典同学聚会邀请函

      经典同学聚会邀请函1 亲爱的同学:  同窗三载,温馨如昨,依然常驻心头;  悲欢岁月,依稀如梦,但愿记得你我!  自**年初夏一别,至今已15载。你是否还记得那个浪漫的夏日,执手相看、无语凝噎的情景?  一别十五载,荏苒而立年,当年同窗、今各西东。但我们相信:无论你回到故里,或远在他乡;无论你事业辉煌,或暂时失意;无论你身居要职,或平民百姓;也无论你多么闲暇,或何等繁忙……可是,同窗之情不变:你终究不会忘记钟罗山上的攀谈、温凉河畔的嬉戏……也许,你把这一切都冰封收藏,悄悄期待着重逢的春光。我们和你一样,多

    • 几十年同学聚会邀请函

      几十年同学聚会邀请函1 老同学:  如今,你是否还记得那个夏日,那个离别伤感的日子,还有那些流泪的倾诉,缠绵的依恋,强忍的酸楚,无望的憧憬……还记得我们的中学时光吗?还记得我们曾共同拥有的温馨往事、纯情岁月吗  往事虽不堪回首,但仍温馨如昨!亲爱的同学,自20xx年初夏一别,我们天各一方,分散四海,荏苒不惑年,当年同窗今散四方,在经历了现实生活的锤炼之后,我们磨砺去了些许幼稚,带走了些许淘气,但“同学”——这是久远的称谓,或许你感到陌生,不知能否唤醒你冰冻的记忆。我们一直相信:无论你回到故里,或远在他乡;

    • 校庆的邀请函三篇

        二十世纪九十年代以来,大学校庆活动逐渐盛行,许多大学以百年、五十年甚至十年为期举办校庆,使校庆成为了一种潮流。那么你知道校庆的邀请函是怎么写的吗?下面范文大全小编整理了校庆的邀请函,供你参考。校庆的邀请函范文一  尊敬的校友:  您好!光阴似箭,岁月如梭。在这世纪的金秋,福建师范大学迎来了百年华诞。承载着每一届校友敦实的足音,母校走过了一个世纪的历程。春华秋实,如今已是桃李芬芳。在母校百年华诞即将到来之际,福建师范大学生命科学学院全院师生员工,感谢您在自己的岗位上为母校争光,感谢您所创造的业绩,为母校

    • 元宵晚会邀请函

        元宵晚会邀请函范文  元宵晚会邀请函范文一  20xx年2月18号,由泰生琴艺培训班和有你相伴歌曲创作组联合举办的15春晚圆满结束!为继续欢庆传统节日、提供文艺展示机会、揭晓15春晚最牛节目名单,我们继续举办15元宵晚会。晚会有歌曲、器乐、朗诵和相声供您欣赏,同时,我们还开设灯谜活动,具体详情请登陆有你相伴歌曲创作组网易博客了解。  元宵晚会在正月十四晚上八点正式开演,欢迎届时登陆我们的博客查看!期待您的光临!  有你相伴歌曲创作组和泰生琴艺培训班全体成员恭祝您元宵快乐!  元宵晚会邀请函范文二  _