“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-05-05 来源:邀请函 手机版




  Dear father and mother:

  How are you?

  I have been in Australia for nearly two year, and all the things go well. I miss you very much, so I decide to invite you to visit me, and live in Melbourne for 2 months.

  It is well known that there are rich tour resources in Australia, all kinds of flowers are blooming through a year and glasses grow flourish. Millions of people are attracted to be here because of the sunshine and fresh air. At the same time my mother and my father like travelling and going shopping, so we can travel by cruiser to see the broad sea and go fishing and visit super markets, going to taste the grape wines which are made in Australia.

  I will guarantee to look after my father and mother’s safety within Australia and make sure they will be really happy and enjoy this trip journey and I also ensure they will back to China before the visa deadline.

  Please apply for Australia visa as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.

  Love you!


  20/08/ XXX


  To: Embassy of the United States of America

  Attn: Whom it may be concerned


  Dear Sirs/Madams,

  I’m a citizen of the United State of America, and here below is my details information,


  Date of Birth:


  Peter Wong MM/DD/YY XXXXXX Sex: Passport No.: Address: Male XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX

  I would like to invite my parents to come and visit the place where I lived, as well as go some

  sightseeing in famous cities of United State (Las Vegas, San Francisco, San Diego and Grand Canyon etc.).

  Here below please find information of my parents


  Mr. XXX

  Mrs. XXX Date of Birth MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY Passport No. XXXXXX XXXXXX

  My parents will fly to Los Angeles on May 19, 20xx and leave for China on Jun 2, 20xx. During this trip, they will live in my house located in above mentioned address; and I’ll cover all of their expenses and guarantee they will leave the United States within the visa authorized stay.

  It would be great appreciated if you could issue a temporary resident visa to my parents.

  Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know via phone call or email.

  Yours sincerely,

  Peter Wong


  Sep28, 20xx U.S. Embassy Beijing, China

  RE: Visitor Visa Application for XXXX. Dear Immigration Officer:

  My name is XXXXX, and I am writing this letter in supporting of my parents’ application for a visitor visa. Weare Chinese national. Currently I work XXXX, LLC as a full time software engineer in Washington DC.

  I am on H1Bstatus. Enclosed please find copies of my H1Bnotices. I invited my parents to visit me during next spring and attend my wedding and enjoy the family gathering time here in DC. We have plans for their travels and shopping around east coast. We also intent to bring themto Florida for some short tropical vacations. After all these gatherings and vacations here, they are going back to China. We live in. During their stay here, we will support all their living and they are to share thetravel expenses.

  Attached please find a copy of my recent pay stubs reflecting my ability to support them. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach me by phone at XXX. By email: XXXXX Thanks in advance for your courtesy in this matter and we look forward to seeing my parents soon. Sincerely.

  Sep/ 28 /2XXX

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