“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-10-13 来源:邀请函 手机版




  Dear teacher x:


  Time flies. I am already a junior student in a twinkling of an eye. As a class teacher in our class, I appreciate your concern and concern for me in the past three years. In the past three years, you have worked hard and paid a lot for us, and you have also been conscientious in class for us, hoping to give us all you know.

  In order to show my gratitude to you, I would like to invite you to dinner. I wonder if you have time next week at 12: 00 noon. Location: XX canteen of the school. Looking forward to your reply!

  with the best wishes


  Your student: XXX











  Dear Mr Xu:


  I am Wang Li, a student in XXX's social management department. Although you have been in contact with us for less than a year, as a counselor, you are very kind and concerned about us at ordinary times. Sometimes when I meet you, you will always talk to me and learn about my study and class work. You also often use the person's identity to put forward many useful and valuable suggestions and opinions on my study and class work, helping me overcome my weaknesses and grow better.

  In order to thank you for your help and concern for me, I would like to invite you to have lunch in the school's east 3rd canteen, with a specific time to be determined. I hope you can come at that time.






  Dear sir / girl

  Time flies. Time flies. We have graduated 25 years in a twinkling of an eye. The happy past, the happy campus, for nothing else, only for the pure friendship and the young attachment ...

  25 years of wind and rain, 25 years of struggle, 25 years of progress together, space and time distance make us cherish friendship and miss each other more. Although there are greetings and meetings between students, it is difficult to have such an opportunity to gather. Then let all our 88 classmates meet together to give everyone the feeling of home, the resonance of feeling and the call of love.

  There is no end to the world. Dear classmates, come on, let's put aside the busy routine for the time being and meet in a beautiful campus, listen to unfamiliar but familiar voices, look at familiar but unfamiliar faces, narrate old feelings, talk to each other, increase friendship and develop together, let's agree to meet Caoqiao Middle School, our alma mater, on October 19, XXX. Use the party to ignite the passion in our hearts! Let the party become an eternal spray in our brilliant life! Will you come? We are waiting for you with the same eager and expectant eyes as the fiery and young heart of the year: dear classmates! " 25 years to get together again is a lot of"!

  尊敬的 先生/女生



  世事烦琐没尽头。亲爱的同学,来吧,让我们暂时抛开繁忙的俗事,相聚在美丽的校园,听听陌生却又熟悉的声音,看看熟悉却又陌生的面孔,叙旧情、话衷肠、增友谊、共发展,让我们约定XXX年10月19日相聚母校---漕桥中学!用聚会点燃我们心中的激情!让聚会变成我们灿烂生命中的一朵永恒的浪花! 你会来吗?我们用一如当年热切而期盼的眼睛,一如当年火热而年轻的心在等待你:亲爱的同学!“20xx年再聚首 一个都不少”!

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