“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-11-04 来源:邀请函 手机版




  Dear _____,

  It would be our great pleasure to have your presence to have graduation photos with us at 12:00 p.m. on the front of the School Gate, or 15:00 p.m. on the front of the Library on November 19th (Tuesday), 20xx. We will highly appreciate if you can spend your precious time taking photos with us.

  We all look forward to your presence.


  Dear Mr./ Ms. :

  I am writing an invitation to you to join the banquet we host for you.

  All of my classmates feel it a great honor to have been your students in the past three years. Thanks to your patience and devotion, we benefited a lot from your class. Time flies. Now, it's time to say goodbye.

  Despite the near departing, we would like to invite you to have dinner with us in Jinyuan at 6 o’clock on July 18th in order to express our gratitude to you. All of us are looking forward to this banquet with your presence. Please do come.

  Best regards.

  Yours, 10 class C


  Dear jack,

  we will have a graduation ceremony next week.And I strongly suggest you attend.Because this is a great honor to us .

  Example 2 Formal Reply ( Decline )谢绝Mr. and Mrs. George Mailer present their compliments to Mr. and Mrs. Robert, and regret that a previous engagement prevents them from accepting the kind invitation to dinner on Friday, March 26th. 17 Butter Place March 22nd

    • 户外年会邀请函格式

        年会活动热烈开展,户外年会也是广受欢迎的年会形式。户外年会邀请函怎么撰写,欢迎阅读范文大全小编整理提供的户外年会邀请函范文。  户外年会邀请函格式  亲爱的小伙伴们:  大家新年好!20XX年是难忘的一年,风雨同舟,携手驴途,我们跌倒过,爬起过,失落过,开心过,苦过,笑过,我们都经历过。同甘共苦的驴友情见证着驴友之家户外的不断成长,不问姓名,不知何地,不分职业,不论贫富,不看外表,不计得失,汗水是努力的结晶,欢乐是拼搏的回音。一路上,我们领略了醉美的风景,收获了强健的体魄,结下了纯洁的情谊,留下了难忘

    • 邀请函范文英文80词

        邀请信分为发出的邀请信和回复别人的邀请信。那么邀请函范文英文80词该怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家整理的邀请函范文英文80词,希望对大家有帮助。邀请函范文英文80词篇一  Dear Sir/Madam,  On [date], we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of [name], President of [company]. You are cordially invited to attend the

    • 结婚请柬内容范文创意

        以发请柬的方式邀客宴饮,在中国文化中也是一种重要的传统,而且还是一种十分古老的传统。下面是小编为大家整理的结婚请柬内容范文创意,希望对大家有帮助。结婚请柬内容范文创意篇一  某某先生(女士、小裤):  我们定于×月×日下午×时假座××饭店××厅举行婚宴  恭请  光临  某某(新人名)谨邀  年月日结婚请柬内容范文创意篇二  ××先生:  小女××八月十日于归,荷蒙厚仪,

    • 有关茶业的邀请函范文

        如果邀请人数很多,邀请函多将事先准备好的内容印制成文或者使用现成的邀请函模板。你知道有关茶业的邀请函该怎么写吗?下面就让范文大全小编带大家看看一系列的有关茶业的邀请函。望大家采纳。有关茶业的邀请函范文篇一  各位茶友:  奎期西南大旱,云南茶叶受灾485.9万亩,干枯死28.1万亩,今年的普洱茶涨势汹汹。在此背景下以“健康云茶、世界共享”为主题 的第五届昆明茶博会对各位茶友而言意义格外重大。本次茶博会野山茶业有限公司将以“特色野山,野山特色”为主题参展。

    • 公司聚会邀请函范文

        为了适当的维护关系,公司经常会举行聚会,不过你知道公司聚会邀请函怎么写吗?下面范文大全小编为大家精心整理了公司聚会邀请函范文,希望能给你带来帮助。公司聚会邀请函范文篇一:  公司聚会邀请函  (称谓)  狂天我们特别邀请您参加____(地点名称)分店开张的庆祝活动。我们希望能和您共同庆祝,并邀请您一边品尝香槟酒,一边参观。  热烈欢迎您于____(日期),____(时间a)-____(时间b)的到来。  如果您的熟人或朋友也对我们的产品感兴趣,欢迎您带他们一起来。 我们期待您的到来!  (结尾敬辞)公