“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-12-11 来源:邀请函 手机版





  Dear Ruth,

  Next Friday, September the fifth, is Toms birthday. I thou

  ght it would be pleasant to have some of his friends here to help him celebrate. Will you come Well have dancing from nine until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake! Both Tom and I are very eager to have you here, so dont disappoint us! Affectionately yours,

  Li Hua

  August3. , 1998


  Dear Li Hua,

  Im so sorry I cant come to Toms birthday party. These days my mother has been falling ill, so I have to attend to her.Thank you for asking me, Li Hua. I certainly hate to miss any of your parties. Theyre always such fun!


  Liang Yan


  Dear friend,

  Im very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink.I think a lot of funny things and we will paly them in that day.So I hope you can take part in.Now I will tell you the address of my house.It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and white.You must come.Ill wite you.


  Dear Li Hua,

  I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party . The party began at 8a.m .on Sunday . All my classmates were not be late. I was very happy. We ate some western food.They were very nice.Some of my classmates brought their own food. They shared their food with us. Because they are very friendly. We also played games. It was very interesting. All my classmates were very happy. I danced with my best friends. And all my classmates danced very beautifully! They sang a song Happy Birthday to me. And then they gave me a lot of presents. I was very thankful. All of us had a good time on that day!

  Do you have free time I want to visit you next year


  Dear linda

  I hope you can help me with my math test on Tuesday.and can you go to susas parly with me.on Friday? If you have timeon Wednesday afternoon.My fiend Jim is ill.I think we can see him.He weii be very happy!


    • 学校晚会邀请函范文

        为学校举办的晚会活动作邀请,本文是范文大全小编为大家整理的学校晚会邀请函范文,仅供参考。  学校晚会邀请函范文篇一:  尊敬的家长朋友:  您好!  为深入推进特色学校建设,打造浓郁的校园文化艺术氛围,培养学生良好的艺术修养,我校拟定于xxxx年xx月xx日下午xx:00在学校操场举办‚xx小学‘xx届校园艺术节‛。在此,我们诚挚邀请您届时光临指导!  为了确保活动顺利进行,请家长配合做好以下工作:  1、为了保证安全,请凭邀请函入校。  2、家长入校后,请在指定区

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