“范文大全” 邀请函


发布时间:2020-12-25 来源:邀请函 手机版





  Dear SirsMadam:

  We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at The Continental Exhibition Center from April 5th to 20th 20xx.

  We’re one of the manufacturers ecialized in sanitaryware, concluding one & two piece toilet, wash basin, cabinet basin, pedestal basin, bidet,urinal, counter basin , decorated ceramics and so on. Our new models offer superb design and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers.

  It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition.We expect to establish long-term business relations with your company in future.

  Exhibition Center : The Continental Exhibition Center

  Booth Number : G-K 05 G-K- xx

  Date : Apr 5th to 20th 20xx

  Best Regards

  Mr.Su Jia Jian

  General Manager


  Dear teachers and students:

  XX College New Year's evening party will be held at XX XX XX on XXXX, hope that the students can come to participate in the time to come. I wish you a happy holiday again!

  The party will have two wonderful interactive session, when there will be a very fine award and other people to get it! Where the audience has a gift, the audience also have the opportunity to win the audience!

  XX is a week X, we finished the test, you can take their families and friends and relatives to relax ah! At the same time we also for the students in the South Campus in front of the reservation 00 seats, welcome everyone to come to participate!


  Dear six members:

  Good evening,everyone

  By 20xx in Paris in the first array Dongyu, Paris six China Federation of all members of the Council wish you a happy new year, health and academic success, good luck in everything!

  On the occasion of the Spring Festival is approaching, Paris's six members will be selected as the theme of this year's _________. I have the honor of federation co onsored the event.

  The day after the exchange will have food and small party, invites members when in six big band DJ music and the booming in flavor, with us together hey up!

    • 同学聚会英文邀请函

        同学聚会英文邀请函  邀请函有很多注意点,最重要的就是简要精练。在不断进步的社会中,邀请函使用的次数愈发增长,一般邀请函是怎么起草的呢?下面是小编为大家整理的同学聚会英文邀请函,欢迎阅读与收藏。   同学聚会英文邀请函1   Dear XX,  How time flies. As you know, we have agreed that on every July 5th we will stay together in the same classroom, f

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    • 母亲生日邀请函

        母亲生日邀请函  商务礼仪中有一项就是活动邀请函。在发展不断提速的社会中,很多活动都需要使用邀请函,写邀请函需要注意哪些问题呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的母亲生日邀请函,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。   母亲生日邀请函1   亲爱的xxx:  我打算于20xx年xx月xx日(星期x)在我家举行一个晚宴,庆祝我母亲60大寿。这对我们全家来说是一件大事,作为我们全家的好朋友,我们真诚地希望你能来参加,分享我们的快乐。晚宴将于7点开始。首先会有一个小型的演奏会,届时我们将欣赏

    • 商务邀请函优秀

        商务邀请函优秀  如今更多的企业趋向于使用电子邀请函。在社会一步步向前发展的今天,邀请函与我们的关系越来越密切,我们该怎么拟定邀请函呢?下面是小编为大家收集的商务邀请函优秀,欢迎阅读与收藏。   商务邀请函优秀1   活动前言:重庆,中国火锅之都,中国美食之都,中国餐饮加盟之都。重庆拥有全国最强大的火锅产业,拥有全国最具地方特色的风味小吃,是全国最早最大的江湖菜发源地。在中国蓬勃发展的餐饮特许经营市场上,重庆军团以地方特色突出、名优企业众多、特许经营开展较早、加盟市场

    • 培训主讲人邀请函

        培训主讲人邀请函  大家对邀请函一定不陌生。在充满活力,日益开放的今天,邀请函在活动中的使用越来越广泛,那么邀请函怎么写才能发挥它最大的作用呢?以下是小编为大家整理的培训主讲人邀请函,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。   培训主讲人邀请函1   尊敬的xx博士:  您好!首先我们代表xx区人民政府致以敬意和问候。  为了贯彻落实我区两会提出的工业强区、建设88新型工业基地的精神,提高园区开发、建设的水平,打造xx品牌工业区,促进我区工业发展,带动区域经济持续快速增长,区政府经