“范文大全” 自荐信


发布时间:2020-01-30 来源:自荐信 手机版


  Dear leaders:


  First of all, thank you for your busy schedule to take some time to give me an opportunity to put themselves forward. XX I am a fresh college graduates. Through four years of undergraduate study, I already have a solid basic knowledge of professional skills. I have confidence in your organization to accept various forms of interview and assessment.

  Four years in college, I am hard-working and a positive attitude and aggressive, all-round training to enrich their own system to learn and master a more solid foundation of professional knowledge, there are strong self-learning ability and the ability to solve practical problems in school, as a result study hard, the outstanding (on scholarship). In addition to computer access to the provincial level II good level of computer, but also proficiency in the use of Photoshop software, Flash software, SPSS software, such as the use of software. In addition, in order to expand their own knowledge, I also read a great deal with the management, marketing, accounting, psychology-related books, to make their own in this field have a better understanding of a progress.

  In capacity, has been the heart of campus life, we need to exercise an important aspect, in the university, I participated actively in sports and social activities, such as students, youth volunteers, such as literary clubs. At the same time, theoretical and practical in order to better link, I also go to the practice of the summer survey, and has served as high school teachers of mathematics courses, in the process greatly enriched my college life and social experience, on the one hand, my training organization and coordination ability and interpersonal ability to train on the other hand, the logic of my thinking and the ability to conduct its affairs.

  To study hard and continue to make progress is imprinted in my mind, I believe that through my efforts will contribute to your organization! Please give me a chance! Thank you!

  Look forward to receive your good news!



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