“范文大全” 自荐信


发布时间:2020-02-04 来源:自荐信 手机版


dear sir / ms:

hello! today, read the newspapers and was informed that the contents of your company's editors solicited. i am confident candidates meet the requirements to write this letter apply for editorial positions.

i graduated from renmin university literature department, with editing experience and familiar with proofreading, adaptation, publishing, as well as such related work. the biographical notes are as follows:

in sales volume of 30000 copies of the "weekly" as editorial director for two years. and was directly involved in the work of a newspaper layout.

in 1998 in "health guide" as editorial work. main tasks: responsible for proofreading, rewriting, and writing lengthy project. 5 years of work to sharpen, so i am familiar with the media movement, through visits with celebrities, so i have very strong communication skills.

i am familiar with all office routine work, currently employed by a magazine advertisement, but this work for temporary work, it is hoped to seek a more stable job.

attached to the letter to my cv. if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful.


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