“范文大全” 自荐信


发布时间:2021-05-16 来源:自荐信 手机版




中英文自荐信 篇1

Dear Sir,

  Having heard that the situation of a cashier in your office is vacant. I wish to offer my services for it.

  I am 22 years of age, and have worked for twelve months in a similar position for New World Trading Co.,Ltd., to whom I can refer you as to my character and ability. l left them solely because they made a reduction in their establishment.

  Regarding salary, I leave that with you, but feel certain that I can earn at least 2,500 dollars per month.

  I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview.

  Very truly yours,







中英文自荐信 篇2

 Dear Sir / Madam:

  Thank you for taking some time off your tight schedule to review my materials. I have heard that perhaps you might need an accountant with considerable experience working with companies such as yours. I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications. I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at your convenience. My name is**,and I am a student at **university.my major is financial management. I am a person with ability plus flexibility should app1y. and a stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. I work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force. I am

  initiative,independent and good communication skill.Be highly organized and effecient. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

  Recognizing a subordinate with profound expertise and strong organizational abilities is your wish. Pursuing a working department to show my merits and gaining your care are my expectation. A hard-working assistant can be contributive to your work process, while a suitable working department can enhance my talents.

  Maybe we will strive together for a common objective, that is: brightening up the brilliant history of your company. I’d like to dedicate my youth and talents to working for your company.

  As a senior graduate student, I would make great efforts to learn modestly, work positively and create actively. It would be my great honor to be further observed my abilities if your company give me an opportunity for an interview.

  College life is a platform for increasing the abilities rather than the pleasure garden as we have imagined, let alone the ideal paradise. On the occasion of the exercise opportunity, I’d like to recommend myself to gain a chance for improving my practical capabilities. A sincere heart is aspiring for your deep trust. My career development depends on your decision-making. I’ll do my utmost to show my levels and talents if your company accepts, support and let me join your company community.

  With many thanks,

  Self-seller :***

中英文自荐信 篇3

  Dear Sir,

  I would like to inquire about the position of laboratory research assistant in the field of biochemistry that you advertised in JobsPower.com on December 12.

  I am twenty-eight years old. In 1986 I received my M.S. in Chemistry from the University of California. As a student I took many Chemistry and Biology courses a few of which are listed here:

  General Chemistry

  Organic Chemistry

  Physical Chemistry

  Biochemistry-two years

  Analytical Chemistry- both organic and Inorganic

  As I was a graduate student, I worked as a research assistant for Dr.John Williams, Professor of Biochemistry , University of California. During this time I assisted Dr. Williams in basic research concerning the phosphotase cycle in metabolism. I can supply you with a copy of the resulting paper at your request.

  Since my graduation I have been employed by Boston University as an assistant professor. I have continued my research in this time, and several of my papers have been published in New York. My immediate superior, Dr. William Larson, has indicated his willingness to provide me with a reference.

  I feel that I have sufficient education and experience in my background to fulfill the qualifications for your position. I hope that you will schedule me for an interview at your earliest convenience.

  Sincerely yours,


  我意欲应徵贵公司於十二月十二日,在 JobsPower.com 刊登徵求生物化学实验室研究助理员一职。











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