“范文大全” 自荐信


发布时间:2021-06-24 来源:自荐信 手机版


distinguished corporate leadership: hello!

i was in xi'an university of science and technology higher institute of technology, a professional e-commerce 200 graduates of the sixth. that the emphasis on knowledge of your company, especially the emphasis on e-business talent --- talents, i am with great respect for your company and an unlimited desire to work feeling presented to you my personal resume and related materials.

i would like to apply for your company's business on behalf of the post.

mentorship in the strict lessons and personal efforts, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge and grasp of electronic commerce system (network marketing), marketing and other related theory; at the same time, also participated in several related internships, and to practice units left a good impression. in addition, i also have good english listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other capabilities; to proficiency in a variety of computer office software. at the same time, i am done with the use of vacation time marketing-related part-time jobs, classes have been opened, not only enrich their own, but also cultivate a wide range of skills of their own. more importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude, i created a simple, steady, innovative character.

today, china has more than 100 million internet users, and a long time in the rapid growth will continue at the same time, network marketing and traditional marketing is the organic integration of the achievement of each other, so that significantly reduce business costs and the benefits to open up markets than in the past three to improve the seven times. it is because the e-commerce has many advantages, so, i believe that the vast majority of e-commerce will soon become the first choice for enterprises. i look forward to on the internet such a broad platform to demonstrate their business skills, expectations have been tempered in practice and improve, so i hope to be able to join your company. i will do a good job of their own, solidarity and cooperation with colleagues to make every effort to achieve good results. i believe that, after their hard work and efforts, will make due contributions.

thank you for your busy schedule to give me the attention, the cause of your company is willing to success, achievements, and wish your business every success in the future!



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