“范文大全” 自荐信


发布时间:2017-02-05 来源:自荐信 手机版


  good afternoon. the following for my simple self-introduction, my name is xxx, xxxx in xx months since the restaurant ren baojie member, i have dedication, diligent, hard work, has been leading the trust and support, has been with the help of colleagues and recognition that he has also been rewarded, in this, i am very grateful xxx gave me the opportunity to work.

  after two years of work experience, cleaning the restaurant i have more time understanding ordinary cleaning jobs and important, it requires a dry line love line of professionalism, there is not pazang, not afraid of the hardships tired spirit, excluding the fame and fortune willing to service the dedication, and only under the guidance of this spirit, have to do a good job of ideological foundation. thus, in this competitive selection, if i had the pleasure competition for success, i will live up to expectations, fulfill our mission, the initiative to do:

  1. carefully observe labor discipline and strict implementation of post system. work on time, do not be late, do not leave early, not work time to do work related things.

  (2) subject to the arrangements, respect for colleagues, do a good job together, so that the leaders assured to employee satisfaction.

  3. caring for public property, the proper use and keep clean the utensils, the maximum conservation of resources, improve work efficiency.

  in short, i cherish enthusiasm to participate in the competition for the hope that leaders can test me, accept me. thank you!

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      尊敬的公司领导:  您好!  我是吉林大学本科XX届毕业生,主修电子信息与通信工程专业(本科),辅修经贸英语专业(本科),现已获得两个专业的毕业证书。我诚挚申请加盟贵公司,以谋求个人与公司的共同发

    • 自荐信范文-外贸业务员

      尊敬的领导:您好! 本人欲申请贵公司外贸业务员一职,所以冒昧写了一封求职信,一个大学毕业生的梦想就要从贵公司开始...... 我是民族大学的一名学生,大四,应用心理学专业。我对外贸非常感兴趣,

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      自荐信是求职过程中很重要的一环。在未与雇主正式接触之前,这封个人自荐信信就是你们之间的媒体。文笔流畅,格式正确的能给人才网">招聘者留下良好的印象, 写一封吸引hr自荐

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