“范文大全” 自我介绍


发布时间:2019-04-14 来源:自我介绍 手机版


  distinguished judges teachers, you are good! i was ... of candidates ... from ....

  first of all, thank you judge a teacher, gave me an opportunity and platform to display themselves, to achieve my ideal. i am a cheerful, broad-loving girl. childhood i had a desire to grow up, the broadcast must do a good host, as the years go by, to blossom, and i grew up slowly, and this desire is even more strongly, as farmers with hoes who like even more of this work on the broadcast over the chiai. 12 years in school, i learn the lesson of the same culture, but also keep the ocean from a wide range of knowledge to learn nutrition, to enrich themselves and enhance their abilities, enhance their awareness, to better grasp their own future, to realize their ideals. as singer with a marvelous voice to express their feelings, just as the dancers dance steps with a light to explain their beliefs, and i will use my voice to pass my love of broadcasting over the chi.

  i know that success on the road was not always smooth, though full of thorns, but i will: brave, courage, hold onto your dream and hold stubborn tarried, sincere look. i want to give me a chance, in the higher and more sacred halls of knowledge in studies, breaking the cocoon into a butterfly, butterfly into the dance, infinitely close to the broadcast over share of guanghua and glory. as i learned, through my voice, to convey the enthusiasm of the central plains is open for the world to listen to the voice of the new century and voices!

    • 一分钟精彩自我介绍3篇


    • 普通本科应届毕业生面试自我介绍


    • 徐州公务员面试自我介绍攻略


    • 求职面试录:名企的嵌入式系统

      一、引言 一年前的这个时候,我开始了人生的真正求职历程。在这个过程中,有幸参加过广嵌、迈瑞、华为、智光、周立功、理邦等几个比较大笔试和面试。虽然大部分都失败了,但是我觉得正是这一次次的失败认我真

    • 出纳应聘求职的自我介绍范文

      尊敬的各位领导: 你们好,感谢贵公司给我这次面试的机会! 我叫,来自*****学校的一名即将踏入社会的的学生,。本人性格开朗,喜欢交往,接受新事物的能力较强