“范文大全” 自我介绍


发布时间:2019-07-12 来源:自我介绍 手机版


    my name is xxx, xx was born in july xx. in xx into xx university information department economic information management specialized study, and in xx graduation in advance.

    eat too bitter next successful, i came out from the countryside, realized profoundly study career is not easy. during school, studying systematically the economic information management knowledge, and make full use of my spare time outside part-time. once successively in two companies did clerical and business, etc. accumulated certain social practice experience, xx years x month to month, has been in xxx x do agent and business sales clothing etc. in half a year's work time, i made some progress, completed the company formulated the sales task, besides still helping another branch colleagues sales certain clothing. in my work, i have success also have failed, but no matter success or failure, for i accumulated a wealth of experience and lessons, through the six months work, i not only from personal ability, improve on business knowledge and know to team spirit, the importance of teamwork spirit. believe in, there was this half year working experience, i more clearly, what they want and what to do and howto do, how to do well. believe that this work experience will be my future life of a good beginning.

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