“范文大全” 自我介绍


发布时间:2020-03-31 来源:自我介绍 手机版




  hi everyone ,my name is .....,i am new here,and i like to make friends with you all.let me introduce myself first,i have a lot of hobbies,especially like paiting,and i love musicvery much.

  so i am not good at some subjects such as math ,i hope that i can get help from you .and you ahve any problems that i can help ,i will try my best.

  that is all ,thankyou.


  Hello, Everybody! I am very glad to stand here to give you my introduction. I am from Liangbing Middle School. I am studying in Class 1,Grade 7. I love my hometown Liangbing because it’s a very beautiful town.

  I have many hobbies, such as reading books, listening to music, surfing the Internet and traveling. But listening to music is my favorite. I like pop music best. My idol are Jay. I am a lively girl. I like making friends and chatting with them. I can play the Chinese Kungfu. I passed all ten levels when I was in Grade 5.However, because of the busy study, I don’t have any free time to practise it. What a pity!I am good at Math and English and I like English better. In my opinion, it’s very easy and fun to learn and use English and this contest is a great chance for me to learn English from others. My saying is god help those who help themselves and I will never give up during my course of learning.

  Now, after listening to my introduction, do you know me well?

  That’s all. Thank you!


  After completing my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve. And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly.

  I graduated from Taipei Commercial Junior College, majored in business administration. Instead of spending much time in playing, I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life. By the way, I learned a lot from Mr. Wang, the professor of my business class. He is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.

  My father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me. As he said: I am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, I do think so. I was born in a country of Ping Tung Country, farming is our career of generations. There are four people in my family, Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an Agriculture College.

  I am optimistic and active, and I am confident that I can pass the test. Thank you for your precious to read my autobiography.

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