“范文大全” 自我介绍


发布时间:2016-12-27 来源:自我介绍 手机版


good morning everyone:
  i am so glad that i can get this interview.thank you for your 3 minutes.my admission number is 123.i graduated from ***** university in july this year,and i majored in the  chinese language.i have an teaching exercitation for two months in one middle school,where i have hold the post of class-chairman and chinese teacher,and i have been  appreciated highly by the teachers and students who come from that school.now, i have the seniority of the high school teaching.
  in the university,i had initial  skills of becoming a  qualified teacher and to teach up to a certain level of teaching.i have good moral self-cultivation, and have a firm political direction. i love the motherland, the people, and strongly support the leadership of the cpc and the socialist system.i  participated in school activities of public awareness and patriotism with a pragmatic truth the spirit of enthusiasm. now, i have become a glorious communist party members.
  in the study, i successfully completed the professional courses and obtained a bachelor of arts degree and college diploma,and had passed the college english test 6. i usually read a great deal of relevant literature, psychology, education, and other series of books,which make my literature greatly increasing.i have publish some works  in certain literary magazines.
  in the life,i advocate a simple life, and love sports.i have good habits.
  i have a dream of having been a teacher from my childhood.today, i came with enthusiasm, hoping to be recognized by you, i will use my all passion to return yourapproval.
  that's all.thank you.

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