“范文大全” 自我介绍


发布时间:2021-05-20 来源:自我介绍 手机版




校园英文面试自我介绍 篇1

  Positive self-confidence, self-improvement. Strong learning ability and communication skills and organizational management ability; practice ability, a collective concept, good team spirit and innovative consciousness; working and living in Europe and South America, Europe and America, more than ten countries and regions, familiar with the domestic and foreign market and customs, analysis of decision-making ability good, work carefully, have a sense of responsibility.

校园英文面试自我介绍 篇2

  I am cheerful, confident, self-motivated, adaptable and able to quickly integrate into the surrounding environment. Have a strong sense of responsibility for one's work. Having worked as a planner in the school, I have a certain ability in this field, and have a lot of imagination, and can give things new ideas. In addition, due to the large start as a part-time on the outside, too early into the society, have a clearer understanding of the company's business processes with the relationship between colleagues, and can better handle yourself with your boss, the relationship between colleagues. I've been looking forward to a job that suits me and makes me really shine, and for that reason, I'm willing to contribute all my abilities. Because I think that can reflect the value of their lives.

校园英文面试自我介绍 篇3

  As a student of English major, he has always been interested in English and has been enjoying the English world. Faced with graduation, I hope I can have a good play space, I will learn what I want to serve the community. Do a solid job as a talented person.

  In the past four years, I have been working part-time as a tutor and contacting many students of different grades. I have accumulated a lot of experience. The teacher, in my mind, has always been a sacred profession, is now preparing to pass the examination certificate, I hope to be able to be a good teacher in the future, can help many people realize their dreams.

校园英文面试自我介绍 篇4

  good morning, my dear professor.it is my pleasure to take part in today’s interview.

  first, i want to introduce myself. my name is zhen yanshuai .i major in machinery and electronics engineering at shandong agricultural university .i will graduate in june this summer. my hometown is taian which is famous for mountain tai.

  there are three things i do during my college life, study, make friends and play.

  in terms of study, i am very lucky to be admitted in my favorite major by hard working.

  i witness the fast development of machinery and electronics engineering of my school despite of its late starting.

  under deep academic atmosphere in our school, we can study very hard. in the aspect of making friends, i take active part in a lot clubs and organizations and make a lot of friends who are open minded and knowledgeable .in our space time ,we often talk about our dreams ,the bright future and so on.

  when it comes to play, i have a lot to say. i like flowers. as long as i have time, i often go to the flower market near by our school.

  every time when i see the one i like, i will buy it and put it on the balcony. to be honest, they are not expensive. i also like drinking tea and often buy some teapot and teacup. of course, they are inexpensive

  but it can give me an enjoyable feeling and let me think without restriction. sometimes i like to play chess with my classmates and run on the playground during the night. when i run i can feel the vibrate of my heart and the call of my dream.

  as for me, taking part in the entrance examination of postgraduate, it is a pursuit of my own dream. to pass the examination is not my dream, but a very important step to achieve my dream. i like machine as well as the school with a long history. so i choose the xi’an jiao tong university and i wish i can get the passport leading to my dream. thank you very much!

校园英文面试自我介绍 篇5

  Optimistic, sincere, actively participate in school activities, have good team spirit and communication skills, English professional knowledge, proficient in computer office automation software. In the course of completing the required courses, he has won the National English class four, intermediate interpretation qualification certificate and the certificate of putonghua. Through the practice of the use of professional knowledge, accumulated a certain amount of practical experience.

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