“范文大全” 自我介绍


发布时间:2017-02-10 来源:自我介绍 手机版




  Hi, everybody!

  My name is …. I study in chang'an central primary school

  大家好,我叫… 我在长安中心小学学习。

  .I am in Class 4 Grade 1 I like English very much.


  I study English everyday , I read books ,I listen to the tapes and watch videos

  我每天都学习英语。我读英语书, 听英语磁带,看英语光碟,

  ,I believe I can speak good English !



  There are 3 people in my family ,my father my mother …………..and I .


  my father works in a company .my mother works at school .


  I love my family very much . we are very happy .




  参考答案:Hello everybody,I'm a televe-years-old student who study in Changsha city Daotian junior shool called Qiyuan Lee.I'm good at ping-pong,ranking the second in our team.I am also found of piano,and already pass grades five.In addition,I like eating KFC,causing my heavey.This is my first join in English match,not having enough experiment.But I hope that I can do it better!and then,I will perform. a song which call edlewise to everyone.


  Gooda fternoon, teachers! My name is XuLulu. I`m 11. I come from Class1 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. There are 4 people in my family. My father is tall. My mother is pretty.My sister has a long hair. And I`m a good student. However, my home is near the school, I often get up early. Because I must work hard. after school, I like playing computer games and reading books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have English, music, computer and P.E. on Tuesdays. My math teacher is Miss Huang. Her class is so much fun. So my favourite class is math. And I like Chinese and English, too. This is me. An active girl. Please remember XuLulu. Thank you very much!

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