“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2020-04-01 来源:自我评价 手机版




  Time flies, blink of an eye, I xx, Ltd. has been a year, in these days, there is success, failures, joy, but also worried. Under the leadership of care and guidance in my colleagues for their support and assistance, my ability to work has been greatly improved.

  "Short foot, inch a director," though past their professional machinery industry, but also with steel, iron, drawings dealing, came to Jinzhou Port, I know the direction of his own shortcomings and the efforts now in flow machinery management. Now, I really like their job, but I know my own experience and experience are inadequate, the practice is also very defective, but there do not understand I asked, more access to information, office colleagues and leaders in the help, feel learned a lot these days, every day is very fulfilling. Now these days of work to do a self-assessment.

  First, the professional attitude, everyone has a heart motivated, I do not just work for the company, I am also working for themselves, believe they can do a good job, have a hot heart, a pair of very hard-working hands. On the one hand I stick to something else, to be good at breaking, creative ideas, while also to the overall situation, the team is heavy, not too personal. And then later in the process of doing things to pay attention to the method, so as to make work more efficiently, reduce unnecessary overtime, things will do better.

  Second, in professional terms, since I work in Hong Kong since entering Jinzhou, my colleagues in the care help, through the accumulation of individual effort and work-related experience, and continue to broaden the field of knowledge, professional ability has made more progress.

  Third, look back on this day, I seriously learn the knowledge of port machinery, and actively participate in job training, dedication and courtesy, enthusiasm, patience to answer the problems in the work, and improve their own quality and professional standards in the constant practice, efforts to grow into a qualified staff. These days, my own job and the company's superior resources, a deeper knowledge and understanding, so that it can quickly adapt to their jobs, give full play to their initiative.

  In future work and life, I believe that through their own efforts, in future work, I will grow as a professional and responsible outstanding employees, striving to become the object of learn from others, to contribute to the Jinzhou Port. With the increase of their work day, but also hope that in his capacity as a full-time staff here work to achieve their goals, realize their value of life, and grow with the company. I will humble attitude and enthusiasm to do my job, to create value for the company, together with the company's vision of a better future!


  In the past year, courtesy of all the leaders and colleagues of care and help, through their tireless efforts to better accomplish various tasks. End personal self-identification will now work to report, a total of four aspects:

  1, the ideological and political aspects: positive thinking progress, high political consciousness, and always maintain the advanced nature and purity of party members, dare to fight against all kinds of reactionary ideas. Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advance with the times, can be dialectical, rational view of things and problems, the face of major events always remain sober-minded. I love the motherland, love the people, adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles, and resolutely support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, to respond positively to the call of the party, the party's cause with confidence.

  Personal goals and their long-term planning consistent direction, always maintain a positive initiative, consciously abide by company rules and regulations.

  2, learning: adhere to the learning and self-improvement as an important way to improve both the unit and the branch actively participate in various learning organization, and carried out extensive self-study. In addition to learning content and political theory to know the party's principles and policies, but also involves the history, economy, science and technology, computers, and knowledge of the business. Learning only pay attention to the ways and means, but also pay attention to the actual results.

  3, work: detailed work plan, subject to arrangements, serious and responsible, practical work hard, pragmatic. Everything proactive difficulties, striving to be the vanguard, fearless tired.

  4, aspects of life: thrift, care of public property, pay attention to health, labor of love, self-discipline, honesty, fame, helpfulness, respect for leadership, unity and colleagues, decent conversation, manners and generous to keep the image.

  In addition to these advantages, it also still some shortcomings and deficiencies, mainly the study was not thorough enough, not strong enough political acumen, work methods is defective, writing skills solid enough to be further improved and enhanced in the future work.

  I want to use my beautiful youth, to light around each person's passion, inspired inspires colleagues for our dedication to the cause, progressive, meritorious, Jianye ......

  For faster, better improve the management level, technical level and operational capacity to adapt to the development of modern science and technology, and have improved their ability to make progress in all aspects, and this is done in recent years, professional and technical aspects of the work of self-identification . In the future, I want to continue to learn all aspects of professional knowledge, continue to research and explore topics xx field, determined in future work to xx and make greater contribution.


  Since participating in the work of the unit, as xxx duties period, he has been leading the unanimous recognition and praise.

  Ideologically, I have a firm political stand, to adhere to the study of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of the connotation of "Three Represents" and the party's principles and policies, with the lofty ideal of communism and firm confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics, in terms of ideology, organization , the action is always consistent with the Party Central Committee.

  Learning, I am able to do since the pressure, serious study and hard thinking, pragmatic. Integrate theory with practice, learning and actively participate in various training activities branch organizations continuously improve their literacy.

  Work, I am responsible, practical work hard, pragmatic, and strengthen the sense of purpose of serving the people, correct attitude to work, do their job, make full use of their knowledge, broaden their knowledge of the business, play to their strengths. Efforts to learn, keep up the pace of progress, learning the combination, it is possible for the masses to do practical work to solve problems, and constantly enhance the ability to serve the people, serve the people better.

  The provisions on the style, we can consciously abide by party discipline and integrity guidelines, in working life, self-discipline, honorable work, clear vain life, Tan sway a man, so that self-respect, self-reflection, self-admonition.

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