“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2020-06-23 来源:自我评价 手机版






  Suddenly look back, only to find themselves have been transformed from a pure innocent young into a familiar sedate man, this is all thanks to four years of university life, it is unforgettable experience in my life. Here are my four years of university life as a self evaluation:

  In school, study hard all kinds of knowledge and skills, also self-study and good command of computer software. And take an active part in and organize the class and grade school students groups, and extracurricular activities, to broaden the vision, edify the sentiment.

  On the ideological quality, I bear hardships and stand hard work, proactive, able to work independently, independent thinking, diligence and honesty, has the team cooperation spirit, healthy body, energetic, can adapt the high strength work.

  On ability training and take an active part in all kinds of campus off-campus training, widen the horizon at the same time, accumulated a lot of social practice experience, to obtain the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and physique. During the internship, hold the initiative of learning attitude, I actively learn from teaching teachers, takes "life trust with health department" belief, tirelessly absorption medicine knowledge, for future study and work to lay a solid foundation.

  Everything there is a process from scratch, is about to step into society, compared with people with rich work experience, I did behind some starting points, so I know we need to learn fast. No matter what I will go to the company belongs to industry, I have to own faith to grow, to run!





  i am generous, cheerful character, friendly and treat people, language ability to communicate can be hard, with strong management capabilities and excellent team spirit. on the road in the years of accumulated experience, and social adaptability. now facing society's competitive environment, i firmly believe that: there is confidence, courage, and are capable of major, must be able to adapt to the social environment. young and has the passion, i prsume, were you a job, a view forged bond with your company. if the competition can be accepted as a company, it is my pleasure, i will of due diligence into every job.


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