“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2020-08-14 来源:自我评价 手机版




  Although the days of military training bitter, but like the coffee can taste the same deep taste. I thought it would not work, it tested me and told me to adhere to in the end, the victory will eventually belong to people with faith.Daily military posture standing, I feel the time is no longer a time, even if the legs sour but in exchange for a straight.

  Each adhere to in the end will let me go beyond their own feelings. There was overcast rain drizzle shower without wet my red heart, there have been direct summer heat, but not as tanning the same skin, basking in my dedication. If there is no such training, I will not only rest for a moment will become a charity, compared with the usual leisure time, it is called the real "luxury."

  Junzi show is the military style, but also show the indignation of calm beauty, firm heart, hard bone proud sky, wind and frost of the wind, you will feel a sense of integrity and equity. If the youth is fine, then the military posture is beautiful.

  But also military training so I realized the feelings of the soldiers, when the side sounded "tell the truth", my eyes filled with tears, I would like to soldiers how many days and nights to hear the song will be sadly off Tears it. They gave up the warmth of their families, their loved ones.

  This can not be said to be a great performance, they are and the motherland's stars together, shining above the clouds above us. I have no reason to complain about the boring life and boring. To flatter every day meaningful, beneficial to others, beneficial to themselves. Because there is such a group shoulder a million times heavier than my responsibility.Because a kind of life than I am a hundred thousand times hard. I should also show the attitude of the soldiers in front of the poet.

  Military training is just a little bit of my youth, but gradually mature I am more eager to maintain a lasting military training experience. Military training hone my will, to push some of our lives to the limit, is my spirit followed a new look.It will be extended to my life every spring and summer and autumn and winter. Military uniform the most beautiful, the most loud and clear military songs, doing the most proud of the military, and military training days like storms


  I woke up and looked at the green leaves of the window, suddenly feel, military training, as a dream, like a hurry to, and I did not savor the share of feeling when they quietly passed away, twenty-seven days of fatigue in the shoulder Faint told me that is over. A little pain, sour feeling. The sun shone on, and fell on the corners of the military uniform, the memory of the military will fall into the whole brain, I stare thinking, thinking of the wind bit by bit, thinking that neat or messy footsteps, and Students snicker.

  Military training, what is it? Alas, military training, really like a dream ah! Memory has been under the pressure of fatigue become increasingly blurred, for military training, what can I say, from the noble to defend the motherland And hard training, or full of iron in this period of tenderness. Of course, this is necessary to recall and miss, but whether there is more important.

  Countless memories woven into the military training of each student, there is in the sun under the station Junzi left the sweat and trembling shoulders, kicked out of the blasting is kicked out of the clothes hanging with salt, there are repeated over and over again Qi step, turn law, legislation set, positive step, a variety of decomposition action. I remember the most beautiful thing is to finish at night to get hot foot bath, holding the kettle to rest the United States and the United States.

  Was later elected to the civil side team, also known as the pacesetter team, did not feel any different start to later found here with the original side team is not an order of magnitude, where the intensity of training than the original side of the team a lot stronger, Because we want to represent the school to participate in military training. At that time I heard the news, I feel particularly excited, think of Tiananmen Square in front of a large military parade, it gives the soul of the neat shock. From any point of view it will feel that it is a whole, a military will to connect the unbeatable overall.

  In fact, the word military, I am not familiar with, because my father had been a soldier, my uncle is an active duty officer, and I had the honor also participated in the summer reserve training, the military is the supreme glory, not a soldier Life is not complete. But think of yourself one day to become a parade side team, the hearts of a flame to emerge, filled with a wave. I have to train well!

  Side team training began to find really hard, my body a little too much, cold, feet long blisters, a lot of players for various reasons back to the original side team, and I go to school for several days After the hospital shot back to the side team training, blisters between the toes, he would pick it, and then add a paper towel, a period of time for a change. The beginning of training because of basic skills are not in place, go forward is always thugs, the wrist and back of the hand was playing purple and swollen, can not touch the touch, looking at one another a student for various reasons did not persist, I also shaken , What am I to eat here for so much bitter, say more sin than others?

  Often so I think about the parade scene, I asked myself to hold on for a while, so it has been quite to the military uniform, quite the day of the game, because the weather is hot, and training where there are a lot of gray, Face, itch does not dare to scratch it, when marching music with the positive step through the viewing platform is, looking around the "comrades" neat pace, I really touched it is the mood simply can not use the language Describe, there is excitement, there is sadness, mixed feelings, and we succeeded, we have achieved very good results, we did not fall into the prestige of military schools!

  University of military training is over, very calm end, no trace of waves, if that wind blowing, but not the wind, because leaving a heavy memory, that a simple action, that the first loud and clear Military song, that a serious and yet friendly face, which drops clear sweat, which Road, distinctive tears, although all of the past, but we have experienced, learned a lot.

  Human life, in fact, not much memory, such as military training gives the soul and soul left an indelible mark in this trail filled with insistence, filled with tears of youth and no regrets. Military training away the ignorant high school graduates, shaping a mature and powerful college students. Life is not a military training, without some pain insisted, without some self-conquest, how to get the final fruit.

  In college, we do not have gorgeous camouflage, we do not live firing tensions, we do not come out from the military instructors, and some just a board with a student of the gas of the seniors, as iron people feel the same, honest honest , Without any publicity, always with an invisible force to educate you, give you the strength to adhere to.

  Because the soul of eternal life, because the arduous pioneering, because a group after batch of iron homes were born down the character, this is the power of a university! Although we are not soldiers, but military training in their own soul, To a military's request to restrain themselves, bear their own, their families, schools, the country's a heavy responsibility!


  We took a look forward to the heart of the University; we took a curious heart into the campus; we took a red heart to participate in military training. Military training has begun a few days, and we understand that it is not our pleasure; it is not our playful situation; it is not our sexual activities. Military training, it is the opportunity to show our courage; it is a platform to show our grace; it is an attempt to exercise our determination.

  During the military training, I also deeply understand that the military training process is the need we have perseverance, patience, determination process. Although this period, I have fault, my heart had been tense, had to give up, but think about this bitter can not eat, how to learn the courage and perseverance?

  Eventually I did not give up. To see even the sisters with their sweaty hair, they also try to grit your teeth with training, and some even almost dizzy, but still stick to the end, the sisters gave me the courage and determination, we in the scorching sun A red hot heart, we are not afraid of sweat our clothes, not afraid of sweat. Determination and the war in the end. I am proud and I am honored. Pride, honor and sisters all over the country war in the end.

  I am very excited, since we come, we also get this exercise, we should know how to learn to cherish. In the next training, we will redouble our efforts to live up to the expectations of teachers and instructors.

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