“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2020-10-07 来源:自我评价 手机版




  I have more than a year of real estate sales experience and. One year secretary working experience. I can in a short period of time and customers to achieve good communication, do home help during the consultants and their own efforts to help their predecessors the first day of the post there is a very good performance. In the work of more than a year, I can get a very good performance per month, and independently handle all customer loans and bank loans later. Personal ability to be managers and colleagues affirmed. Secretary of the work, is mainly responsible for the daily work of the Office; daily data check. And Party A and the bank's customer information, the amount of docking. Statistics on the turnover of property consultants, as well as the daily data transfer to the company.

  I am optimistic and positive, strong adaptability, strong professionalism and team spirit, a certain organization and publicity, proficiency in word, excel, powerpoint, cad and other computer-related skills, mastering machine-related Japanese terminology and general manager of translation Experience in reading, writing and reading. Please give me a chance, I will also you to dazzling brilliance!


  I have received formal professional education, has a good professional knowledge and cultural qualities, honest, sincere, high integrity; active, decisive, strong psychological quality, strong entrepreneurial spirit and a high sense of responsibility; With a strong organizational, coordination, communication skills and team spirit; through more than a year in the education and training institutions, responsible for market development, etc., the company has a strong sense of responsibility and integrity of the work, Writing, calligraphy and so on, love sports, dance, like to play feathers, ping-pong, and so on, and so on, so that they can play,basketball!

  I thought progress, good at cooperation, business ability and organizational ability; others sincere, optimistic, diligent study, work seriously, in the previous study and work, laid the foundation, accumulated experience, with a strong sense of responsibility and careerHeart, with a good analysis and problem-solving capabilities. Like to accept the difficult work challenges, proficient in a variety of office software, fluent in English.


  Four years of marketing expertise and a wealth of real estate market part-time practical experience, so I have real estate marketing career interests and skills to benefit. I walked from the ups and downs twists and turns, out of the childish, impetuous and unrealistic, more mature psychological, firm, more solid professional foundation.

  Professional: master a lot of professional marketing theory and real estate marketing skills, while the level of computer applications, English, social skills have been greatly improved;

  Quality: work hard, work proactive, able to work independently, independent thinking, hardworking and honest, with team spirit, good health, energy, can adapt to high-intensity work.

  Four years of university study and more than a year real estate company marketing job trainee work temper, cultivate my good work style and team awareness, such as multi-angle understanding and awareness of customer purchase needs, all-round real estate customer service work, Hard work of the truth-seeking spirit and the ability to sell at random. I believe that in the future work, I will closely cooperate with the company sales needs, hard working, becoming a competent real estate marketing experts.


  The ups and downs of the real estate market turmoil, the company in *** and *** joint venture company, to complete the sales work. During this time, I actively cooperate with the company's employees, sales for the purpose of the company under the guidance of the leadership to complete the development of operating prices, before the Spring Festival planned to complete the advertising campaign for the ** sales climax The foundation.And finally the ** ** month to complete the contract amount ** million good results and ended. After the baptism of this enterprise, comrades from a lot of expertise, so that all aspects of their own all improved.

  In the future I should seriously sum up, timely reflection, and more to others to learn, so that their continuous progress, increasingly perfect. So that they become an elite in the field of sales, and the company common development and create a better future!

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