“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2020-10-15 来源:自我评价 手机版




  After graduation, I smoothly into the secondary first-class hospital work, during this time, I in the operating room, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology department steadfast worked for two years, understand and grasp the emphases and characteristics of the various departments. I enter the colleage in1992.and in 20 xx years, teaching work, I work in university to study solid theory and clinical experience, mutual penetration and will converge. Formation in colleage in1992.and textbook theory knowledge as the foundation, the simple and combined with clinical cases, students interested in large lectures, grasp of theoretical knowledge to a set of teaching methods. Teaching left a precious experience for me. My this kind of serious work attitude has won the acceptance of leaders and colleagues.

  I think after the university four years of study and clinical work two years of training, and colleage in1992.and teaching of precipitation in a year. I already have certain theoretical and practical ability, coaching is I have been pursuing. Your school teaching system, teaching focus and the working atmosphere is wanted. The school environment and humane environment, school conditions and treatment is also very satisfied. I hope I can work in such an environment and develop themselves. I really treasure this precious opportunity to open another door of my life, start a new chapter of my life, I hope school can give me this chance, I will use my action to prove your decision. Use my sincerely look forward to your reply. Waiting good news.


  I am cheerful, stable, energetic, warm and sincere. Serious and responsible work, proactive, hard-working. Have strong organizational skills, practical ability and team spirit, can quickly adapt to a variety of environments, and integration of them.

  When a medical practitioner for people to lift the disease has been my wish, so after entering the university, I seize the opportunity to fully and systematically learn professional knowledge and professional nursing skills, spare time also often to the library to read the medical knowledge, So that their knowledge is broader, more solid theory. On the basis of learning cultural knowledge, but also pay attention to other aspects of learning, more comprehensive development of their own, learning work are seriously responsible for, by teachers and students of praise. Weekends, many times to the hospital, nursing home for volunteer activities, we will learn the medical knowledge to help people need, and thus enhance their practical ability. Three years of clinical practice, strict demands on themselves, the theoretical knowledge and clinical practice, active learning, always with the "responsibility, love, careful, patient," the four heart as the basic care of patients, and in the "Patient-centered" purpose and sincere attitude for the patient service, patients and their families by the trust and satisfaction, but also by the teachers and nurse to affirmed. Year internship not only improved my nursing skills, but also enhanced my communication skills and cultivated my clinical thinking. A year of clinical practice gave me a profound experience is: clinical nursing work must be careful, patient, a high sense of responsibility and mission, so that patients are anxious to solve the patient's request, so that they really feel You are really concerned about their health.


  I am a ordinary girl, but unwilling in mediocre, I am optimistic, confident, self-motivated, the hobby is widespread, can very good deal with interpersonal relationship, have coordination communication of expertise, and have a strong sense of responsibility and sense of mission, now, in the face of new life choices and challenges, I am confident.

  Work is my attitude, integrity is my personality, sincerity is my personal principles, love is the greatest wealth, I have a strict truth-seeking is my personality, during the period of school, I diligently, work hard, honest and trustworthy, good performance, more comprehensive, solid mastery of the basic medical theory knowledge and professional basic. Through my hard learning and tenacious struggle, has achieved excellent grades in school, and to obtain the professional qualification certificate for practicing as a nurse.

  13 people's hospital in chongqing during the internship, I integrate theory with practice, practice to consolidate theory, make oneself have a fruitful harvest in nursing technology, make oneself become more mature, more solid professional skills. Practice, has always been to "love. Careful. Patience" as the basic, strive to "eye attendance. Hardworking. Feet often. Mouth. The brain attendance", want to patients thought, the anxious patients of worry, a good education to medical ethics. Standardized and skilled in basic nursing and nurse operation theory knowledge and basic skills.

  I exercise myself in life to become a bear hardships and stand hard work, work enthusiasm initiative, down-to-earth, diligence honest, can work is my duty to work independently, independent thinking, healthy body, energetic is I can give full play to the potential of the diving platform. In the increasingly competitive today, I firmly believe that only a multi-level, all-round development of talents and skilled professional knowledge, to meet the needs of the development of social demand and unit of choose and employ persons, can be in an impregnable position. I will make unremitting efforts, I was determined to own love. Patience. Confidence. The sense of responsibility towards the future career!

  The past does not represent the future, diligence is the real connotation. For the practical work, I believe I can quickly adapt to the new work environment, and continuous learning in practical work, constantly improve themselves, completes the labor of duty!

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