“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2021-05-12 来源:自我评价 手机版




  I have been serving for nearly two years, joined the first year of the party joined the party. In the education and training of the party organization, I grew up from a young student to a qualified revolutionary soldier and glorious communist. Now, upon expiry of my service, I will make a special appraisal for the new party organization to understand and examine me and help with education.

  In the past two years, I have read the Selected Works of Mao Zedong and Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, studied Comrade Jiang Zemin's expositions on the important thinking of the 'Three Represents', studied the' Soldiers' Political Knowledge Reader ', participated in the' Three Stresses'The concept of value education, the glorious tradition of our party's education, party discipline education, written nearly a hundred thousand words of reading notes, and do theory with practice, thereby enhancing the level of political theory and ideological and political consciousness. Over the past two years, I have been able to consciously implement the Party's line, principles and policies, and support the Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and Party organizations at all levels

  And actively participate in organizational life, regularly report to the organization of thought, and strive to complete the tasks assigned to the organization, was named "outstanding party members." During the two years of service, I pay attention to study their own business and military technology, become the company's top training, the regiment was "soldiers training pacesetter." In order to improve their overall quality and cultural level, I also took part in correspondence, computer, English and news writing in my spare time in the past two years. I have also obtained some first-class certificates in computer science. I took the CET-4 , In the military inside and outside the press published more than 20 articles, including the central level newspapers published manuscripts 7. Due to outstanding achievements in work and learning, has been rewarded twice, Li three merits.

  In daily life, I pay attention to strict self-discipline, wide to treat people, unity of comrades, respect for the head, eager to help his comrades to solve the learning difficulties, enthusiastic about social welfare undertakings, twice to the Hope Project contributions. With the company "Lei Feng Group", the past two years to insist on using the holidays for the resident masses to do good, for two consecutive years was named "advanced individual learning Lei Feng."

  Because I did not suffer before the hardships of life training in the forces of life time is relatively short, independent of the ability to deal with the problem is relatively weak, hard-working spirit is not strong enough to encounter difficult working conditions, sometimes afraid of emotions. In addition, due to introverted, not good at dealing with people, in carrying out criticism and ideological mutual aid is also relatively lacking. In the future, I want to strengthen the exercise and temper, and pay attention to strengthening exchanges with comrades, more to accept criticism and help, to better play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, for new positions for the party's new period The completion of the great historic mission for the motherland's four modernizations, and make new contributions.


  Enlisted for eighteen years, long-term work in the military-level organs, not only understand the organs of the staff and departmental leadership experience. In each post can be strict demands on themselves, conscientiously perform their duties, better completed the leadership to the various tasks, political firm and pure, repeatedly been commended.

  Good organization and coordination. At the grass-roots level and organs worked for a long time, has accumulated a lot of management experience, the organs of skilled work, training a strong analytical ability, operational planning ability, communication skills, interpersonal coordination, organizational planning capabilities, teamwork And command decision ability. Served as director of the department, organized several major military operations of the equipment support work, the successful coordination of the organization of large-scale technical exchange meeting. During the staffing of the Scouting Office, he became familiar with the political, military and social situation in Taiwan, especially in Taiwan. He successfully completed the intelligence support in major military exercises, air defense operations in Shanghai and the "apec" meeting in Shanghai.

  Good at writing. Good at summing up the work experience, personally drafted or participated in the drafting of more than 10 experience, research materials were forwarded, in the "Liberation Army Daily", "Air Force", "China Meteorological News", "Morning News" and other military newspapers As well as from the headquarters to the military at all levels of professional publications published news reports, experience and academic papers. Two scientific research achievements by the Air Force scientific and technological progress second and third prize. Focus on learning to improve.Has a strong sense of professionalism and sense of responsibility, so that dry line, love line, drill line. Adhere to learning stopped working, pay attention to the absorption of new knowledge and new technology, adhere to business training, Shanghai has received the first batch of computer technology intermediate certificate, computer maintenance and repair more skilled at the same time with a variety of computer language and database programming capabilities for the Long March Hospital The preparation of the "medical record query system" and for the Yangpu Changbai Street armed forces prepared "military service registration software" have been put into business use. On the production of Web pages have deep research, has produced a number of units home page, do online forums and query system for the Second Military Medical University production of "online classroom" is also put into business use.

  Life is optimistic and cheerful. With good personal accomplishment, loyalty, decent style, modest and prudent, unswerving mind, respect for leadership, unity and comrades. Both principle and flexibility, with the military's unique spiritual outlook and good quality, good mass basis.


  5 years of military career tempered cast my integrity, strong, perseverance, bold personality, strict organization and discipline, rigorous and pragmatic work style, serious work attitude and not afraid of hardship, the courage to struggle and the spirit of innovation. I have a strong organization, command, implementation, coordination, communication and other skills, good at administrative affairs. Usually, good with their own practical actions and excellent work to prove that the military's own value, reflecting the military's unique personality charm.

  During my school years, I have been appraised as "Miyoshi student", "learning advanced individual", "excellent class cadre" and "outstanding student union cadre" by the school several times.

  During the service of the army rank a sergeant, has five consecutive years as "outstanding soldiers", won three regiment, even "awards", has been rated as "outstanding troop backbone", "excellent monitor"; due to various aspects The performance is very good, by the head of the same affirmation, and joined the Communist Party of China to become a Communist Party member. I am serious in work, careful and have a strong sense of responsibility and enterprising, diligent, very enthusiastic; cheerful, willing to communicate with others, with good and skilled communication skills, strong teamwork ability; , To be able to complete the leadership of the delivery of the work, and comrades-in-arms relationship harmony and harmony, with the department heads responsible for the successful completion of the work well; actively learn new knowledge and skills, focus on their own development and progress, Through training and learning, to improve their overall quality in the future to apply their knowledge.

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