“范文大全” 自我评价


发布时间:2021-07-05 来源:自我评价 手机版




  This winter vacation is over, and I meet with the teachers and students. This year my winter vacation is colorful, there are ups and downs, and now I have to be a summary.

  In life, I went through untold hardships, and finally overcome some shortcomings, such as watching TV when eating, playing a computer playing too long, do not love to play outside, do not love to do housework, sleep late, and so bad habits . These habits are not to change can change, everything with the power of. Like doing housework up breakfast, we should get up early, or one day to eat two, although I still can not escape the attraction of the bed, but still with perseverance to overcome. There is a problem, often go out to find classmates to play, this can be troublesome, and I went to the students home the way unfamiliar, plus the city is so big, Shui a dozen bends, or can not find, fortunately there are phone cards, To be allowed to get lost, and now the number of times to go, never get lost. In the study I put the "one hundred thousand why", "encyclopedia" re-read it again, consolidate memory, but also read "up and down five thousand years" to review the previous homework, get a lot of knowledge.

  Although I changed a lot of shortcomings, but there are still some shortcomings, but I believe that as long as I work hard, these shortcomings can be me to overcome.

  In the winter vacation, I read the "Eisuo fables," the story, the next two volumes, my father and mother told me a lot of other moving stories, so I know a lot of life truth. This will be a lifetime benefit to me. I used a holiday, the next semester of all language text read 5 times, in order to lay the foundation for the next semester. At the same time the last semester all the math done, this is my makeup it. In this holiday, my mother promised me to go every other day, a trip to my mother's unit for a day. But the prerequisite spare parts must be in the unit to insist on learning and a mathematical problem every day. This vacation I often go to outdoor exercise, my father also specifically for me to buy a skateboard, my father and I often go to the AD after dinner to play. I think now the body is stronger than before. In the holidays, I often help my parents do housework, although not too good to do, usually difficult to do at the beginning, I believe I will do better and better. I also went to his brother who lived a few days, and I play with learning, I am very happy, we are tired at home when learning to play for a while or watching TV for a while, we play with the two brothers really happy. During this period I have never been practicing words, I believe that efforts will be a good result.


  The winter vacation life blink of an eye is coming to an end, I feel both happy and regret! Happy because the winter vacation on the basis of the completion of the operation, free to dominate the time, do what they want to do, read the books you want to see "," Unfortunately, the time is too short, it did not play enough, ha ha! Of course, I also understand that our immediate task is to learn and accumulate knowledge! I have the following winter harvest:

  1, by reading extra-curricular books, increased knowledge, opened up a vision, more important is that I fell in love with reading (reading).

  2, the use of the festival during the tour Baotu Spring Lantern Festival, Daming Lake Temple Fair and Qianfo Hill, I feel an increase of insight, know how to observe.

  3, to participate in "Eagles squad" activities, know how grateful, but also learned how to care for others.

  4, the most important is through the holidays, for the shortcomings of the last semester, the consolidation and improvement, for the new semester, to achieve the desired results.


  The annual winter vacation is over, I have some of the holidays passed away, but the expectations of the school also forgotten these ideas.

  In this winter vacation, my plan is:

  1. In January, complete the operation book of mathematics, language and English.

  2. Completed in February, such as social practice reports and other operations, and tutorials about English.

  After about four weeks of their own efforts and under the supervision of the parents, I completed in advance for our teachers to study the program, there is no burden of doing the job, in the rest of the winter vacation feeling very happy.

  In general, I think this job is not more than summer vacation, when compared to the summer vacation, time will be more, you can do some things you like, like painting, playing chess and accompanied by elders to walk, Playing badminton, "" and so on, this is to improve their interest, but also can relax the nervous tension in the last semester to ease the writing job fatigue. This is my elders to teach me the "work and rest" method, with this method, I think the pressure to learn a lot less, so I write to work more spirit, play and more happy. In addition, the completion of the day's work, I have about half an hour online time, so I can know some national events and chat with students, which also gave me the power to write homework. In this winter vacation, I think the most meaningful thing I do is to do winter social practice. Because I am very interested in comics, and I chose the topic of "the development of Chinese comics", in the search for information on these, I have a lot of knowledge about comics, let me have more understanding of comics, Expanded my knowledge, at the same time, this operation requires "interpretation with comics", let me give full play to their strengths, do the homework, I feel very happy.

  Because after this holiday to Chengdu to the New Year, so many books can not take the next semester of the curriculum is not ready, which later to strive for improvement.

  The next holiday, I must do better than this holiday!

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