“范文大全” 工作报告


发布时间:2018-04-23 来源:工作报告 手机版


  *(You can expend the task list freely as well as record all day works, and it may not necessarily keep in a single page, multiple pages is accepted format. Please save your daily report file name as Your Name+”_”+Report Type+”_” + Report Date +”.doc”= “andy_dailyreport_20060901.doc”) ***Important Note:

  -If any person who didn’t submit the report before 12pm of next day to report day without management approval. He/she will be deduced one point from his/her performance balance. (Performance Balance will start from 10 for everybody since 11 September 2006

  -If anyone’s Performance Balance drop below 5, he/she will received an official warning letter from Management for his/her poor performance.

  -If he/she cannot improve himself/herself and continuously lost the performance balance to zero, this person will not be suitable to work in MAKEIT, and the MANAGEMENT may suggest him/her to leave.

  -If a person who cannot finish his/her tasks more than 80% per week, His/her supervisor will deduce one point from the Performance Balance too.

  -If any person who maintain 10 points in Performance Balance within six months, he/she will be rewarded with performance bonus and the Management will consider to raise his/her salary in Annual Salary Review.

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