“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2021-05-12 来源:简历模板 手机版




  Dear Professor:

  I understand that XXX is applying for admission to your Postgraduate Master's Program, and has requested that I write this letter of recommendation for her.

  I have known XXX as a resourceful and goal-oriented individual ever since she attended my Instrumental Analysis course(score:84) in her fourth academic semester. She often raised thought-provoking questions during the course lectures. Thus,it is natural that I like discussing with this young girl and enjoy becoming more familiar with her and her aspirations. In her sixth academic semester, she took my course of Electrochemical Analysis(score:89).The more I get to know her, the more I find she is talented at chemistry. With her outstanding talent and solid background in chemistry, she also did quite well in most of her other courses during her undergraduate study. I feel strongly that XXX's unusual talents and abilities will stand her in good stead for a quality chemistry education, and your university will provide the best opportunities for her.

  While at XXX University, XXX had excellent performances in all subjects of her studies and demonstrated great potential, but she is more than a knowledgable bookworm;she is an outstanding leader. She is not only the President of the Student Union in the College of Chemistry, but also the Minister of Commonweal Department of Students’ Association Union of XXX University. She is adept in speech and debate, which give her great capabilities for expression, abstract reasoning, and cooperation. She also took part in and organised many extracurricular activities, such as “Dream Fly” Party of College of Chemistry and Chemical Knowledge Contest of XXX University.

  We at XXX University see an optimistic, highly independent, and easy-going character in XXX, with highly unusual determination. She is not to be defeated by any difficulties. She believes that, with hard work, she can achieve anything she wants. I think her confidence in herself is well grounded in her track record.

  Judging by what I know of her, I think XXX is fully qualified to pursue a Master's degree in your program. Therefore,I recommend her with much enthusiasm and I shall greatly appreciate your favorably consideration for her application for admission.



  To Whom It May Concern

  I am writing a letter on behalf of XXX , who is a senior 3 student inXXX Foreign Language School. As a headmaster of this school, I have com#e in contact with thousands of students every year. However , XXX stands out as a very earnest, creative , and aspiring one.

  XXX is very interested in attending your university,Stony Brook University,for she is impressed by the reputation of the school and I feel that she has the work ethic needed to be successful.

  To my knowledge, XXX is not only having potential in academics, but also is obviously active in sports and school activities.In our school,we have lots of so-called School Festivals,such as, Foreign Language Festival,Arts Festival,Science Festival and so on.XXX have showed her aility to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1 in these activities.

  XXX is glad to learn and progress.She have positive study attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision.As to her personality,she is a enthusiastic,out-going, intelligent,reliable girl with good analytical capability.What is more, She is very kind to everybody and always help people around her.

  I highly recom#mend XXX to your university.I have no doubt that she will work hard and be determined in whatever discipling she chooses.I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.Please contact me if you have any further questions.











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