“范文大全” 情书


发布时间:2019-10-29 来源:情书 手机版


  “yankee” is the name a give to my dog. he 2 years old, and he loves hong kong streets as much as i do. although he like to eat bits of pizza and bagel off the sidewalk, and i prefer to buy them. yankee is a great catcher who was offered a tryout on the baseball team. but he chose to stay with me so he could spend 18 hours a day sleeping on a large green pillow the size of an inner tube.

  don’t you love hong kong in the fall? maybe you don’t know, just you won’t be here before. the fall season makes me want to buy romantic fiction. i would send you a bouquet of newly issued fiction by 張小閑, if i know your name and address. on the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.

  i like to start my notes to you as if were already in the middle of a conversation. i pretend that we’re the oldest and dearest friends, as opposed to what we actually are. people who don’t know each other’s names, and met in a chat room on net, where we both claimed we did never been before. “what will she say today?” i wonder every morning. when i comeback to my sit in the office, i turn on my computer. i wait impatiently as it boots up. i go online immediately, and my breath catches in my chest until i hear three “be…be…be…” as i see you online. i hear nothing not even a noise sound on the streets of hong kong, just the beat of my own heart. i have my love online from you, a graceful, charming and pretty lady that i met.

  情书的作者是leo,他是个什么样的人呢?如果你看过张小娴的小说《再见野鼹鼠》,你就知道leo就是书中的男主人公“卫生巾大王”高海明。leo答应给我用中午不吃午饭的时间为我切一架uh-60 black hawk 1:32的战斗机模型,我等待着这架飞机模型从香港寄到我手里。

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