“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2019-08-19 来源:演讲稿 手机版

  youth and faith




  my name is tiffany, a year 2 student from the university of macau. i am currently an active member of the university public speaking team, president of the honours college student association, and also the vice president of the event department in marketing society. i am very active and outgoing. i enjoy being with people, engaged in conversations with them so that i can understand them more. i like public speaking as it can help increase my self-esteem and self-confidence. aside from public speaking, i am also good at english recitation. i have joined the macao-wide english individual recitation for a number of times when i was studying in the secondary school.


  imagine a car without a steering wheel. tough to imagine, right? well, actually that’s the image you see if a person has no faith. faith helps to guide us in our lives, encourage us to persist, and give directions when we are lost.

  in this peaceful era, our life paths seem to be already well-planned and determined. what we have to do is to follow. yes, we may face different sorts of challenges, but at least they are less harsh when compared to those in the past. we do not need to worry about starving to death, or how to earn enough money to buy food for our siblings and sustain our lives.

  it is like driving from a muddy road into a highway. in the muddy road, path, you would say, as it is formed only by crossing on it many times, flattening the ground to form a smoother area so we can pass. the road is so bumpy and rough, with holes here and there and rocks lying all over. when we drive along this road, we have to be very careful, having a firm grip on the steering wheel, ready for a sudden turn or a large boulder that may appear any second. however, when we drive on a highway, everything becomes different. the road is smooth, straight, and visible. since there is no unseen obstacle, we may lower our guard, relax a bit, and loosen our grip on the steering wheel. one may even think, if we only have to drive on a smooth straight road like this highway, why would we need a steering wheel?

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