“范文大全” 证明


发布时间:2020-03-31 来源:证明 手机版




  xxx xxx co. ltd

  126 nanjing road, shanghai, pr china

  july 11, XX

  to whom it may concern:

  this is to certify that mr. wang has been working in our company as the project manager from june 19xx to july XX,

  mr wang is a diligent and creative engineer, under his leadersip, he successfully design a new product for our company, and the product also gained international patent. mr wang also has a good sense of teamwork, he knows how to delegate and how to coordinate.

  mr wang has been entitled to a monthly salary rmb 6000, with house allowance for 1500 a month and he also was awarded a bonus for 25,000 last year for his outstanding performance.

  for further enquires, please feel free to contact me at +21 +2323244 or 13 333

  sincerely yours,


  (company seal)

  chief executive officer


  proof of work

  * * * * * limited company was founded in 1995, registered capital of rmb XX million yuan. the company's products mainly include the * * * * * * * *.

  * * in 1995 to join my company, due to the work of outstanding performance, was promoted to the * * * * * * * *, responsible for. * * the work of a conscientious and responsible, for my company to develop a broad market, the company in the fierce competition in the market occupy a space for one person. give * * * annual salary of 48000 yuan, the personal income tax withheld by the company.

  mr. * * * in order to better development in the future, decide to go to uk to study, i also need high-quality management personnel, so we totally agree with his study plan and sincerely welcome mr. * * * after returning to work in my company. if you require any further information, please contact the company with me!

  hereby certify that!

  general manager:

  * * * limited company

  in september 19th xxxx

  work experience to prove

  it is my unit worker comrade, engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( professional ) related working years, its main experience as follows:

  year month

  in the post

  to engage in any professional work

  by any professional

  technical qualifications

  year month year month -

  year month year month -

  year month year month -

  year month year month -

  year month year month -

  via checking, the comrades in the course of work, to abide by the law, violate the occupation ethics behavior. i units of the proof of authenticity.

  hereby certify that

  unit (seal ) the personnel management department (seal )

  signature: signature:

  year month day year month day

  note: this proves to be the candidates work units are issued, as a result of mobilization is unit of professional work experience is not enough, must by the personnel management department at the same time. the seal of the entity, the signature of the handling person shall only be valid, a person.


  this is to certify that xxx comrades in our company is engaged in construction related professional work is full of x years, no violation of laws and regulations and occupation moral behavior, hereby certify that.

  unit name (here the official seal )

  x x month x day

  limitation of action is generally 2 years, special as a maximum of 5 years, the calculated date is from you know or should know that the violations of the date, you should be the limitation of action, but 02 years ago as the insurance is not mandatory. if for a long period, i suggest you still serious lawyer as well.

  general proof of work, a few si-mp-le words can

  this has our employees engaged in the human resources work, xxxx, xxx years of continuous service.

  hereby certify that

  a sealed units

  year month day

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        公司不开离职证明怎么办?  根据《劳动合同法》第五十条规定,用人单位应当在解除或者终止劳动合同时出具解除或者终止劳动合同的证明,并在十五日内为劳动者办理档案和社会保险关系转移手续。  可见,用人单位开具离职证明,是双方终止或解除劳动关系后的附随义务,用人单位应依法及时向劳动者开具。  如用人单位无法定理由拒不开具离职证明的,根据《劳动合同法》第八十九条规定,用人单位违反本法规定未向劳动者出具解除或者终止劳动合同的书面证明,由劳动行政部门责令改正;给劳动者造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。  由上述可知,如

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        【离职证明有什么用】  1、用人单位防止就业人员同时兼任两分以上工作,减少公司机密泄露的几率或其他特殊需要。  2、新单位担心你和原单位还有未了结的涉及劳动关系方面的事情。如果他录用了还未与原单位解除劳云动关系的劳动者,新的用人单位是要承担责任的。《最高人民法院关于审理劳动争议案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第十一条用人单位招用尚未解除劳动合同的劳动者,原用人单位与劳动者发生的劳动争议,可以列新的用人单位为第三人。原用人单位以新的用人单位侵权为由向人民法院起诉的,可以列劳动者为第三人。原用人单位以新的用人

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        随着我国市场经济的发展,房地产行业获得了良好外部发展环境。下面小编为大家精心整理了房屋产权证明书范本,希望能给你带来帮助。房屋产权证明书1  兹有本居委会居民XX,其自有房产坐落于xx县xx镇xx村xx组,土地面积xx平方米,房屋占地面积xx平方米,三层砖瓦结构,房屋建筑面积约xxx平方米,因房屋刚刚建成,未办理房产证,特此证明。  XXX居委会  年 月 日房屋产权证明书2  兹有我辖区居民/单位员工姓名: , 身份证号码: ,在以下地址: 省 市/县 旗/区/村/居委会 /栋 (无具体门牌号,房屋

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      无离职证明承诺书 篇1  ____________有限公司:  本人 [姓名] (身份证号: ,电话号码: )于 年 月 日与贵司达成建立劳动关系的合意,但截至本人前往贵司办理入职手续之日,因__________________原因本人暂时无法提供原用人单位《离职证明》,特向贵司承诺如下:  一、本人承诺,在与贵司签订劳动合同时,本人与原用人单位之间不存在劳动关系,并且不存在任何尚未解决的劳动法律纠纷及或其他可能影响本人在贵司正常工作的利益纠纷。  二、本人承诺与原用人单位之间不存在尚处于有效期内的可能影