“范文大全” 证明


发布时间:2020-05-11 来源:证明 手机版


  XXX, student from XXX, started her internship in planning department of XXX on XX, XXXX and ended onXX, XXXX.

  During the student's internship she put much effort into her work and study. She had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. This student never hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. At the same time, the student adheres to the company's rules. Respecting and getting along with others well, co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.

  Now the student in my company has already concluded, this is to certify that.

  (Valid with a stamp)




  To whom it may concern,

  This is to certify that Miss XXX has completed her Internship in (organizational Name)’s Finance Department starting from January 28, 20xx to March 28, 20xx.

  Her duties included

  Checking the Credit Files and preparation of disbursement cheques for different Departments

  Monthly Bank Reconciliations of Loan Accounts

  Vouchers entry in MIS.

  During her stay we found her hard-working with an aptitude for learning and ability to grasp diverse concepts quickly. She possesses a strong analytical sense, decision making ability and proved herself a team player.

  We wish her best of luck for future endeavors.


  Manager HR Administration


  To whom it may concern,

  This is to certify , from University, majored in , started his three weeks internship at our company from Aug 2nd, 20xx to Aug 30th, 20xx.

  During the student's internship, under the guidance of our company’s staffs, he got a preliminary understanding of conducting investigation into investment project, and was familiar with the project-assessment system, as well as the details and standards involved in the process. In addition, he put all his passion and effort into his work. The student tried to find out every problem he encountered and never hesitated to ask senior co-workers for help. He got along very well with others, which in term proved his team-spirit and excellent skills of communication. Also, he was willing to take suggestions from others, and he could work overtime to ensure his work is fulfilled before due. His diligence, attitude and cooperation left all his co-workers and our company a very good impression.

  Corporation, Limited

  Human Resources Director,

  (Valid with a stamp)

  September 1st, 20xx

    • 开工资收入证明范本

        开工资收入证明都是由公司写的,但这样的证明要盖章才能生效,以下是几种不同格式的开工资收入证明范本让大家参考。工资收入证明(一)  __________________________________:  兹证明_________为本单位职工,已连续在我单位工作______年,学历为_____________毕业,目前其在我单位担任____________职业。近一年内该职工在我单位平均月收入(税后)为___________元,(大写:____万____仟 ____佰____拾____元整)。该职工身体

    • 关于单身证明范本

        有什么办理某证件或许从事某工作需要用到单身证明,那么,以下是小编给大家整理收集的关于单身证明范本,供大家阅读参考。关于单身证明范本1  姓名: 性别:  出生日期: 年 月 日  居民身份证编号:  家庭详细住址:  据当事人的申请及声明,经查询我处婚姻登记机关从 年 月 日至今的婚姻登记档案,未发现当事人有结婚或离婚、丧偶后再婚的婚姻登记记录。  此证明只表明当事人在我婚姻登记处管辖范围内目前无婚姻登记记录的证明。  出证机关:  年 月 日关于单身证明范本2  XXX单位全称:  兹证明XXX(性

    • 公司个人签证工作证明模板

        工作证明是指我国公民在日常生产生活经营活动中的一种证明文件,一般用于职称评定、资格考试、工作收入证明等,需要工作单位出具,并加盖单位鲜章方有效。公司个人签证工作证明模板,我们来看看下文。公司个人签证工作证明模板1  certification  dear sir or madam:  we 公司名称 hereby certificate that 申请人姓名(passport no.: 护照号)who has been working in our company since工作时间(从何时开始在该公

    • 假离职证明

        范本1:  姓名:_________,男,身份证号码:_________,自_________年_________月_________日入职我公司担任____________部____________一职,至_________年_________月_________日因个人原因申请离职,在此一年间工作良好无不良表现。  经公司慎重考虑准予离职,已办理交接手续。因未签订相关保密协议,遵从择业自由。  特此证明。  ________部经理(签名)  ________公司盖章  日期:___________

    • 签证父母收入证明模板

        留学的申请材料中,除了基本的自我介绍、留学计划、学历证明等个人简历相关方面的材料以外,还需要有家庭经济相关的证明材料,主要是为了证明学生家庭有足够的经济能力来支付赴韩留学的费用,下面是小编为大家整理了签证父母收入证明模板,希望能帮到大家!  签证父母收入证明模板  致签证官:  兹证明同志在我xx工作,担任职务,月薪为rmb 10000 元。其孩子前往英国参加“xxxxx”的全部费用将由承担,特此证明。  单位电话:  单位地址:  英文版  dear sir or madam:  it is her